Florence Terrace

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Florence Terrace

Map FlorenceTerrace.png

Theme: Renaissance City
Home To: Ezio
Sizes: Small

Florence Terrace (and Florence Rooftop) is one of the Maps available in Brawlhalla, added as part of the Assassin's Creed crossover. This map takes place in Florence, an Italian city with Renaissance-styled architecture. The fight takes place on the rooftop and balcony of a square building, itself littered with hanging vines, banisters and resting cats.

Among the red and white buildings in the background can be seen various glowing lines and squares forming a grid; these are likely fragments of the Animus, the virtual reality machine used in the Assassin's Creed series to simulate past events.


  • Small: A single flat platform with a short soft platform on either side. The walls of the map are short and can be passed under.
  • Standard: A flat platform with a longer soft platform directly above. The walls go all the way down.
Florence Rooftop
Map FlorenceRooftop.png
Intended for 1v1 matches.
Florence Terrace
Map FlorenceTerrace.png
Intended for 2v2, 3v3 and free-for-all matches.