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Weapons are an important element of Brawlhalla. Each weapon has a different moveset and each character has access to two weapon types. Weapons work similarly for every Legend that uses them, but each Legend has a set of 3 Signature Moves, or "Sigs" as they are frequently called, for each weapon, a set of distinct heavy attacks that are exclusive to a Legend. No two Legends have the same usable weapon combination.

List of Weapons

(In order of release date)

Grapple Hammer - A bulky brute-force weapon with a few grappling properties.

Sword - A short-ranged melee with an arsenal of rapid, small attacks with decent knockback.

Blasters - A dual-wielded gun-like weapon with long-range attacks that can be strung together.

Rocket Lance - A rather invasive weapon with a lot of power. Very useful in aerial situations.

Spear - A quick weapon with a relatively far range that can easily knock opponents around.

Katars - A fast, close-range, dual knife-like weapon, with attacks that have little knockback but can be easily strung together.

Axe - A big, relatively slow, heavy-hitting weapon with large knockback.

Bow - A ranged weapon with a projectile that shoots out surprisingly fast.

Gauntlets - A fast, close-range, low damage weapon with light attacks that easily connect with other attacks that physically move your opponent.

Scythe - A weapon that features “Active Input” on a number of its attacks, most possessing grappling effects, for unpredictable combos.

Cannon - A heavy-hitting weapon with surprisingly nimble blows and a wide range of attack.

Orb - An unconventional magic-based weapon that's easy to control with quick attacks.

Greatsword - A large, two-handed sword with a unique moveset that allows for powerful light attacks and many string possibilities.

Battle Boots - A set of two heavy boots with intricate kick combos and active input attacks.

Weapon mechanics

Picking up

Weapon pickups are flaming swords of light that will appear at semi-random intervals at specific areas within the map while brawling. When interacted with by a Legend, these turn into weapons, which can be used in combat.

The first weapon pickup's spawn is dependent on the gamemode; in 1v1 modes, the first pickup will spawn in the center of the map, and in 2v2 modes, a pickup will spawn on each side. Otherwise, weapon pickups will spawn randomly inside certain areas scattered across the map. Weapon pickups alternate, so that your pickups are always a different weapon from the last one picked up. Like Gadgets, an untouched pickup will remain on stage for some time before disappearing, and will flash for 2.5 seconds right before it is about to do so. Weapon pickups disappear within 30 seconds, while most Gadgets within 15.

When using the Sidekick Summoner, your sidekick will bring a weapon pickup to your location.


Each weapon comes with a moveset of three Ground Light Attacks, three Aerial Light Attacks, three Ground Heavy Attacks and two Aerial Heavy Attacks. The Ground Heavy Attacks also serve as each Legend's Signature Moves, which are unique to each Legend - giving each Legend six moves that cannot be done by any other Legend. For each weapon's moveset, see the individual Weapon entries above.


Weapons themselves can be thrown during combat using the Throw action, similar to Gadgets. Different thrown weapons have differently sized hitboxes, and can be charged to make the weapon throw faster, deal more knockback and more damage. All weapons have the same speed when thrown, excluding Hammer and Spear who have 0.85 and 1.1 times the normal speed, respectively.

  • Thrown weapons will bounce slightly against surfaces. The throw will stop doing damage after bouncing on the floor and losing enough velocity, something that usually takes up to two bounces. This also applies to Gadget throws.
  • When a weapon is thrown and lands on the stage (for most weapons, indicated by it no longer spinning), it will start to disappear. For 11 frames, the thrown weapon can be picked up again by the legend who threw it. 10 frames after that, it will disappear completely. This does not apply to Gadget throws.
  • Thrown weapons cannot be picked up or caught by another Legend, even if the Legend uses the same weapons or is the same Legend as the one throwing the weapon.
  • Weapon throws will pass through enemies if the thrower is stunned from an attack and the weapon was thrown less than 25 frames earlier. This is referred to as a "throw clash". This also applies to Gadget throws.

Losing your weapon

Any Legend holding a weapon has a chance of losing it when they have taken enough damage during a fight, and if they are struck by a powerful enough attack. A combined threshold of total damage taken (while holding the current weapon) and an incoming attack's force (which increases as a Legend's health builds to red) determines the limit at which a Legend will be disarmed. Picking up another weapon or gadget resets the "total damage taken" part of the threshold.

For more specific details, see Disarming.

Weapon chart

Grapple Hammer Icon.png
SkinIcon Bodvar Classic.png
SkinIcon Cassidy Classic.png
SkinIcon Scarlet Classic.png
SkinIcon Gnash Classic.png
SkinIcon Sentinel Classic.png
SkinIcon Teros Classic.png
SkinIcon Yumiko Classic.png
SkinIcon Kor Classic.png

SkinIcon Thor Classic.png
SkinIcon Magyar Classic.png

Sword Icon.png
SkinIcon Bodvar Classic.png

SkinIcon Thatch Classic.png
SkinIcon SirRoland Classic.png
SkinIcon Hattori Classic.png
SkinIcon Asuri Classic.png
SkinIcon Jhala Classic.png
SkinIcon Koji Classic.png
SkinIcon Val Classic.png
SkinIcon Jiro Classic.png
SkinIcon Sidra Classic.png
SkinIcon Ezio Classic.png
SkinIcon Jaeyun Classic.png

Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Cassidy Classic.png
SkinIcon Thatch Classic.png

SkinIcon LordVraxx Classic.png
SkinIcon Ada Classic.png
SkinIcon Lucien Classic.png
SkinIcon Barraza Classic.png
SkinIcon Diana Classic.png
SkinIcon Cross Classic.png
SkinIcon Nix Classic.png
SkinIcon Isaiah Classic.png
SkinIcon Reno Classic.png

SkinIcon Vivi Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png
SkinIcon Scarlet Classic.png
SkinIcon SirRoland Classic.png
SkinIcon LordVraxx Classic.png

SkinIcon Orion Classic.png

SkinIcon Ulgrim Classic.png
SkinIcon Vector Classic.png

SkinIcon Artemis Classic.png

SkinIcon Thea Classic.png
Spear Icon.png
SkinIcon Gnash Classic.png
SkinIcon Hattori Classic.png
SkinIcon Ada Classic.png
SkinIcon Orion Classic.png

SkinIcon QueenNai Classic.png
SkinIcon Brynn Classic.png
SkinIcon Kaya Classic.png
SkinIcon WuShang Classic.png
SkinIcon Mirage Classic.png
SkinIcon Seven Classic.png
SkinIcon Dusk Classic.png
SkinIcon Arcadia Classic.png

Katars Icon.png
SkinIcon Sentinel Classic.png
SkinIcon Asuri Classic.png
SkinIcon Lucien Classic.png

SkinIcon QueenNai Classic.png

SkinIcon Ragnir Classic.png
SkinIcon Ember Classic.png
SkinIcon Caspian Classic.png
SkinIcon Loki Classic.png
SkinIcon LinFei Classic.png

SkinIcon Mako Classic.png

Axe Icon.png
SkinIcon Teros Classic.png
SkinIcon Jhala Classic.png
SkinIcon Barraza Classic.png
SkinIcon Ulgrim Classic.png
SkinIcon Brynn Classic.png
SkinIcon Ragnir Classic.png

SkinIcon Azoth Classic.png
SkinIcon Rayman Classic.png
SkinIcon Volkov Classic.png
SkinIcon Xull Classic.png

Bow Icon.png
SkinIcon Yumiko Classic.png
SkinIcon Koji Classic.png
SkinIcon Diana Classic.png
SkinIcon Vector Classic.png
SkinIcon Kaya Classic.png
SkinIcon Ember Classic.png
SkinIcon Azoth Classic.png

SkinIcon Zariel Classic.png
SkinIcon Munin Classic.png

Gauntlets Icon.png
SkinIcon Kor Classic.png
SkinIcon Val Classic.png
SkinIcon Cross Classic.png

SkinIcon WuShang Classic.png
SkinIcon Caspian Classic.png
SkinIcon Rayman Classic.png
SkinIcon Zariel Classic.png

SkinIcon Mordex Classic.png
SkinIcon Onyx Classic.png
SkinIcon Petra Classic.png

SkinIcon Tezca Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Jiro Classic.png
SkinIcon Nix Classic.png
SkinIcon Artemis Classic.png
SkinIcon Mirage Classic.png
SkinIcon Loki Classic.png

SkinIcon Volkov Classic.png
SkinIcon Munin Classic.png
SkinIcon Mordex Classic.png

SkinIcon Fait Classic.png

Cannon Icon.png
SkinIcon Sidra Classic.png
SkinIcon Isaiah Classic.png

SkinIcon Seven Classic.png
SkinIcon LinFei Classic.png
SkinIcon Xull Classic.png

SkinIcon Onyx Classic.png

Orb Icon.png
SkinIcon Thor Classic.png
SkinIcon Ezio Classic.png
SkinIcon Reno Classic.png

SkinIcon Dusk Classic.png

SkinIcon Petra Classic.png
SkinIcon Fait Classic.png

SkinIcon RedRaptor Classic.png
Greatsword Icon.png
SkinIcon Magyar Classic.png
SkinIcon Jaeyun Classic.png

SkinIcon Arcadia Classic.png
SkinIcon Mako Classic.png

Battle Boots Icon.png

SkinIcon Vivi Classic.png
SkinIcon Thea Classic.png

SkinIcon Tezca Classic.png

SkinIcon RedRaptor Classic.png

Grapple Hammer Icon.png Sword Icon.png Blasters Icon.png Rocket Lance Icon.png Spear Icon.png Katars Icon.png Axe Icon.png Bow Icon.png Gauntlets Icon.png Scythe Icon.png Cannon Icon.png Orb Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png Battle Boots Icon.png

Weapon Skins

Main article: Weapon Skins

A weapon's appearance can be customized through Weapon Skins. These can be obtained in several ways, such as when purchasing a Legend Skin from the Store. Weapon Skins can be selected per Legend in the pre-game lobby.