Sir Roland

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Sir Roland
Idle Pose
Official Art
Sir Roland.png
The Scarlet Lion
Click stat icon to see stat changes
Strength Stats5.png Rocket Lance Icon.png
Dexterity Stats5.png
Defence Stats8.png Sword Icon.png
Speed Stats4.png
Gender: Male
Bot Name: Sir Rolbot
Store Price: Coin Gold.png 2,300
Store Description: An unstoppable knight with a beard so magnificent, even the gods took notice.
Released: November 25, 2014
(Beta 1.1.0)
Full Name: Lord Sir Roland Somerset Montgomery, etc.

Sir Roland is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla.


The Scarlet Lion

"Have pity. Not all men thrust to center stage find they have the heart of Roland, nor the soul to do great deeds."
– Shakespeare, Henry IV part 3 (lost manuscript)
"How's my hair?"
– Lord Sir Roland Somerset Montgomery, Duke of the Three Isles, Lord of Havershant, Slayer of the Bilious Dragon, Protector of the Illythians, Victor of the Siege of Alsburg, Haver of a Great Beard, Defender of the Danes, Conqueror of Guilardia, Prince of the Glorious Summer of '14, Knight of the Order of the Exalted Lion, Honorary Abbot of Canterbury Cathedral, Champion of the City of Bath, Marshall of the Eastlands, Knight of the Crimson Buckle, Admiral of the Northern Seas, etc.

As the story goes...

As a young knight, bold Sir Roland vanquished the fabled Jade Knight, and for a brief moment his eyes pierced the veil between worlds. He beheld the Valkyrie Hypernia as she lifted up his defeated foe. Overcome by her beauty, Roland dedicated his life to gaining glory in hopes of seeing the Valkyrie again.

For the next fifty years, the proud, bullheaded and charming Roland won more victories, made more enemies and broke more hearts than any knight of his time. His single-handed storming of the Fortress of Alsburg inspired forty-seven epic ballads and a Lifetime miniseries. Bards wrote songs about the song he wrote commemorating his victory over the Bilious Fire Drake.

As an old man on his deathbed, Roland finally beheld Hypernia again. She could not allow a natural death to keep such a warrior from Valhalla, so, with a ghost of a smile, she punched him herself so he could die in battle and she could offer him a seat in the hall of glory.

No one in Valhalla feels a greater thirst for victory in the tournament than Sir Roland. He rejoices with every win and rages at every loss.


Tourney Lance
Tourney Lance.png
Rocket Lance Skin
Long Sword
Long Sword.png
Sword Skin


Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance
Attack Image Description
Sig SirRoland LanceN.png
Sir Roland jumps backwards, then boosts himself forwards with his lance while surrounding himself with the spirit of a flaming horse.
Sig SirRoland LanceS.png
Sir Roland rockets himself forwards a short distance, then does a diagonal stab upwards with his lance alongside a polearm made of energy. Sir Roland will perform the second hit early if an opponent gets hit by the first attack.
Sig SirRoland LanceD.png
Sir Roland channels the energy of a knight, then stabs forwards with his lance a fair distance ahead of him alongside the knight's polearm.
Sword Icon.png Sword
Attack Image Description
Sig SirRoland SwordN.png
Sir Roland enhances his sword with flaming energy, before performing a large swipe diagonally upwards. This signature can hit opponents that are on the ground directly in front of him.
Sig SirRoland SwordS.png
Sir Roland slashes a short distance in front of him, then stabs forward with his sword.
Sig SirRoland SwordD.png
Sir Roland thrusts his sword into the ground, manifesting four energy swords in front of him that send opponents upwards.


The following Stances can be equipped for Sir Roland:

StatIcon Base NoBorder.png Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder.png Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder.png Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder.png Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder.png Speed
Strength 5 Stats5.png
Dexterity 5 Stats5.png
Defence 8 Stats8.png
Speed 4 Stats4.png
Strength 6 Stats5plus1.png
Dexterity 5 Stats5.png
Defence 8 Stats8.png
Speed 3 Stats4minus1.png
Strength 4 Stats5minus1.png
Dexterity 6 Stats5plus1.png
Defence 8 Stats8.png
Speed 4 Stats4.png
Strength 5 Stats5.png
Dexterity 4 Stats5minus1.png
Defence 9 Stats8plus1.png
Speed 4 Stats4.png
Strength 5 Stats5.png
Dexterity 5 Stats5.png
Defence 7 Stats8minus1.png
Speed 5 Stats4plus1.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 4 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 3

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Sir Roland:

Rewards for Sir Roland
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+ 50 100
Color Blue.png Color Yellow.png Color Green.png Color Brown.png Speed Stance Strength Stance Color Orange.png Dexterity Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Defense Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Color Purple.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Cyan.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Sunset.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Gray.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Pink.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Red.png Coin Gold.png 120 The Scarlet Lion
Sir Roland

List of Skins

Color Variants


  • Before Patch 5.00, Sir Rolands's store price was Coin Gold.png 5,400.
  • The entirety of Sir Roland's full name, including suffixes, is canonically unknown due to its length.
  • In the Lore, Sir Roland had a relation with Hypernia, Brynn's mother. This, along other physical similarities, suggests that Sir Roland is Brynn's father.

See Also