Team Blue

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Team Blue

Color Team Blue.png
Bödvar Team Blue.png
In-game appearance

Type: Color
Main Colors: Palette Team Blue.png
View full palette
Secondary Palette: Palette Team Blue Alt1.png
View full palette
Tertiary Palette: Palette Team Blue Alt2.png
View full palette
Quaternary Palette: Palette Purple.png
View full palette

Team Blue is a Color in Brawlhalla. This Color is available by default, but can only be used when teams are enabled. Its counterpart is Team Red.

If there is more than one of the same Legend on Team Blue, each player will use a slightly different color palette to help distinguish them. The first four players of the same Legend will use the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary palettes of this Color.

If there are more than four players on the team using the same Legend, players 5 through 8 will use same color palettes in that order.

In Capture the Flag mode, these palettes are used for each team member regardless of Legend selected.

In team gamemodes where non-team colors can be selected, such as Friendly 2v2, and both players want to play the same Legend, only this color and Team Blue can be selected.


Visit the following pages to preview how this Color looks on different cosmetics:

Main Colors:

Secondary Palette:

Tertiary Palette:

Quaternary Palette:


  • The quaternary palette of Team Blue is identical to Purple.
  • Despite team members 5 through 8 using the regular Team Blue palettes, in the Lobby they will appear as completely different colors. These colors are different per Legend, and will either use the Legend's first four level-up colors or the first three and the fifth level-up color.

See also