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Colors are changes to the color scheme of any Legend or any of their skins.

Colors are available for every legend. Some colors are awarded to a legend after a level-up, others are obtained through Mallhalla during events or others only obtainable by leveling up a legend and unlocking the color in the Mallhalla.

List of Colors

Level-up Colors

These colors are unlocked for a Legend when that Legend reaches a certain level. Each Legend unlocks these colors at different rates.

Bödvar Blue.png
Usually available at Level 1
Bödvar Yellow.png
Usually available at Level 1
Bödvar Green.png
Usually available at Level 1
Bödvar Brown.png
Usually unlocked at Level 2
Bödvar Orange.png
Usually unlocked at Level 5
Bödvar Purple.png
Usually unlocked at Level 10
Bödvar Cyan.png
Usually unlocked at Level 12
Bödvar Sunset.png
Unlocked at Level 14
Bödvar Grey.png
Unlocked at Level 16
Bödvar Pink.png
Unlocked at level 18
Bödvar Red.png
Unlocked at Level 20

Event Colors

These colors are available throughout the entirety of their respective events. Each color can be obtained for any Legend, regardless of Legend rotation or permanent Legend ownership.

Winter Holiday
Bödvar Winter Holiday.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 1,500 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon Winter.png Brawlhallidays exclusive
Bödvar Lovestruck.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 1,500 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon Valentines.png Valhallentine's exclusive
Lucky Clover
Bödvar Lucky Clover.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 1,500 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon StPatricks.png Luck o' the Brawl exclusive
Bödvar Heatwave.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 1,500 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon Summer.png Heatwave exclusive
Bödvar Haunting.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 3,000 or Coin Mammoth.png 20
per Legend
EventIcon Halloween.png Brawlhalloween exclusive
Home Team
Bödvar Home Team.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 3,000 or Coin Mammoth.png 20
per Legend
EventIcon BackToSchool.png Back to School exclusive
Bödvar Gala.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 3,000 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon Anniversary.png Anniversary exclusive
Verdant Bloom
Bödvar Verdant Bloom.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 3,000 or Coin Mammoth.png 10
per Legend
EventIcon Spring.png Bloomhalla exclusive
Charged OG
Bödvar Charged OG.png
Win games during related event
or receive via code
Bödvar Bifrost.png
Win games during the Brawlhalla Fest event.

Battle Pass Colors

These colors can be obtained as rewards from Battle Passes. At certain tiers of the Battle Pass, the color is unlocked for a random Legend, and near the end an All Legends Color Scheme is unlocked, granting the color for all current and future Legends. Colors from a Battle Pass are not available after that Battle Pass is over.

Other Colors

These colors are obtained in various different ways other than level-up or event rewards.

Available by default.
Bödvar White.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 10,000 per Legend
Requires level 10 Legend
Bödvar Black.png
Cost: Coin Gold.png 25,000 per Legend
Requires level 25 Legend
Bödvar Skyforged.png
Cost: Coin Glory.png 2,500 per Legend
Requires level 5 Legend
Bödvar Goldforged.png
Cost: Coin Glory.png 3,750 per Legend
Requires Skyforged color
Community Colors
Bödvar Community Colors.png
Earned via code (all Legends)
Community Colors v.2
Bödvar Community Colors v.2.png
Earned via code (one Legend) through Viewership Rewards
Esports v.2
Bödvar Esports v.2.png
Earned via code (one Legend) through Viewership Rewards
Esports v.3
Bödvar Esports v.3.png
Earned via code (one Legend) through Viewership Rewards
Esports v.4
Bödvar Esports v.4.png
Earned via code (one Legend) through Viewership Rewards
Esports v.5
Bödvar Esports v.5.png
Earned via code (one Legend) through Viewership Rewards
Team Red
Bödvar Team Red.png
Only available with teams enabled
Team Blue
Bödvar Team Blue.png
Only available with teams enabled
Team Yellow
Bödvar Team Yellow.png
Replaces Team Red in niche situations