Rocket Lance

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Rocket Lance
Rocket Lance Example.png
Icon: Rocket Lance Icon.png

Rocket Lance is one of the Weapons used in the game Brawlhalla.

The Rocket Lance is a polearm with a rocket booster at the rear of its hilt. Legends will often use the rocket for mobility purposes as well as attacking. This weapon is very useful for aerial combat.

Many Legends who use Rocket Lance have interstellar origins or are related to technology.


Ground Attacks

Neutral Light

The user jabs twice in front of them. If the enemy is caught in the attack, the user will strike a third time knocking them forwards.

Side Light

The user propels themselves forward with a rocket blast. All enemies will be knocked up and diagonally relative to the user. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Down Light

The user turns the lance around and blasts an enemy with the rocket exhaust. There is a small backwards recoil on this move. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air

The user flips and attacks a short, but extremely wide area above themselves.

Side Air

The user flies forward while jousting, dealing knockback.

Down Air

The user flies diagonally down while jousting, dealing knockback.


The user charges up energy. The longer the charge time, the further the user will fly. the user will hover in place while charging this move. If an enemy comes into contact with the lance while flying, the enemy will continue in the user's original trajectory while the user falls.

Ground Pound

The user flips over the lance and tries to pound an enemy. If it hits, then the base of the rocket lance will release exhaust, causing the enemy to be launched down.

Legends that use Rocket Lance

Character Primary Secondary
SkinIcon Orion Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Spear Icon.png
SkinIcon LordVraxx Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon SirRoland Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Sword Icon.png
SkinIcon Scarlet Classic.png
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Rocket Lance Icon.png
SkinIcon Ulgrim Classic.png
Axe Icon.png Rocket Lance Icon.png
SkinIcon Artemis Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Vector Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Bow Icon.png
SkinIcon Thea Classic.png
Battle Boots Icon.png Rocket Lance Icon.png

See also

Grapple Hammer Icon.png Grapple Hammer  •  Sword Icon.png Sword  •  Blasters Icon.png Blasters  •  Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance  •  Spear Icon.png Spear  •  Katars Icon.png Katars  •  Axe Icon.png Axe  •  Bow Icon.png Bow  •  Gauntlets Icon.png Gauntlets  •  Scythe Icon.png Scythe  •  Cannon Icon.png Cannon  •  Orb Icon.png Orb  •  Greatsword Icon.png Greatsword  •  Battle Boots Icon.png Battle Boots