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Scythe Example.png
Icon: Scythe Icon.png

Scythe is one of the Weapons in Brawlhalla.

The Scythe the first weapon to allow for active inputs when performing Light Attacks, which differentiates the result of an attack depending on what directional key is held down after hitting an opponent. In combination with the weapon's quick grappling attacks, players can easily fall into fast combos under the Scythe's curved blade.


Ground Attacks

Neutral Light

The user swings their Scythe upward, along with any enemy who is caught in the attack. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Side Light

The user swings their Scythe forward.

After hitting an opponent:

  • If the user holds the same directional key, the user will swing their Scythe a second time causing knockback.
  • Otherwise, the user will quickly kick the opponent in the air. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Down Light

The user leans forward and swings their Scythe to the ground with one hand.

After hitting an opponent:

  • If the user holds the same directional key as the direction they are facing (left or right), they will kick the opponent forward causing knockback.
  • Otherwise, the user will spin their Scythe with the opponent caught in it, carrying the opponent to the opposite side of the user. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air

The user reaches their Scythe out diagonally upward.

After hitting an opponent:

  • If the user holds the directional key opposite of the direction they are facing, they will carry the opponent to the other side and kick them forward.
  • Otherwise, the user will kick the opponent diagonally forward, causing knockback.

Side Air

The user swings their Scythe upwards and to the side, causing knockback.

Down Air

The user reaches their Scythe out diagonally downward.

After hitting an opponent:

  • If the user holds the directional key opposite of the direction they are facing, they will carry the opponent to the other side with their Scythe.
  • Otherwise, they will throw the opponent diagonally downward with their Scythe, causing knockback.


The user helicopter-spins their Scythe diagonally.

Ground Pound

The user falls down while with their Scythe ready. When the attack button is released the user slashes their Scythe downwards.

Legends that use Scythe

Character Primary Secondary
SkinIcon Mirage Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png Spear Icon.png
SkinIcon Nix Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Mordex Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png Gauntlets Icon.png
SkinIcon Artemis Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Jiro Classic.png
Sword Icon.png Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Fait Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png Orb Icon.png
SkinIcon Volkov Classic.png
Axe Icon.png Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Munin Classic.png
Bow Icon.png Scythe Icon.png
SkinIcon Loki Classic.png
Katars Icon.png Scythe Icon.png

See also

Grapple Hammer Icon.png Grapple Hammer  •  Sword Icon.png Sword  •  Blasters Icon.png Blasters  •  Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance  •  Spear Icon.png Spear  •  Katars Icon.png Katars  •  Axe Icon.png Axe  •  Bow Icon.png Bow  •  Gauntlets Icon.png Gauntlets  •  Scythe Icon.png Scythe  •  Cannon Icon.png Cannon  •  Orb Icon.png Orb  •  Greatsword Icon.png Greatsword  •  Battle Boots Icon.png Battle Boots