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Idle Pose
Official Art
The Star Speaker
Click stat icon to see stat changes
Strength Stats7.png Scythe Icon.png
Dexterity Stats4.png
Defence Stats4.png Orb Icon.png
Speed Stats7.png
Gender: Female
Bot Name: Alt F8
Store Price: Coin Gold.png 5,400
Store Description: When people consult the stars, Fait answers their calls.
Released: January 30, 2019
(Release 3.36)

Fait is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla. The Star Witch has an Orb and a Scythe, and 7 points assigned to her Strength and Speed as 4 to Dexterity and Defense.


The Star Speaker

"Such was the terrifying power of the great witch Fait that she could command the stars themselves to disclose their most guarded secrets and reveal mortal destiny."
– Grimblast's Codex of Illustrious Witches and Oracles
"Well, I have my witch friends and I have my star friends. With my witch friends, there's a lot of drama. My star friends are super chill, and we talk about everything. I can really be myself with them."
– Fait

As the story goes...

Great oracles are rare because by the time a witch has toiled through many grueling years required to master Starspeak, they've almost certainly lost the charm and positive attitude needed for stars to want to talk to them. Fait's greatest power was most likely her unwavering good-nature.

As a young witch Fait would hang out with the stars at night, who gave her fleeting visions of past, present, and future. In daylight, she made ends meet selling fortunes on the streets of Edasich. As her power grew, she learned to deduce a human's fate from the smallest visions.

But when the mighty Deathspeaker Lord Zothkhan arose, Fait transformed herself into a battlemage to oppose his monstrous army. The world soon learned just how powerful even the smallest glimpse of the future could be in battle. Her vision of The Invulnerable Pit Fiend facedown with a scythe blade buried in his weak spot spelled his doom. Her foresight of a flattened werewolf led her to lure the vampire general into Avalanche Gulch.

And a vision of lava-scorched Lord Zothkhan in the afterlife, retrieving his beloved cat from its demon caretaker, prompted her to bring her own cat Butterscotch as a distraction to her showdown with the Deathspeaker on the bridge over Mount Inferno.

When Brynn came to offer her a place in Valhalla, Fait had already packed. In Valhalla Fait is popular, and has just joined a band, a book club, and wins big on poker nights.


Shooting Star
Shooting Star.png
Scythe Skin
Scrying Glass
Scrying Glass.png
Orb Skin


The following Stances can be equipped for Fait:

StatIcon Base NoBorder.png Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder.png Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder.png Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder.png Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder.png Speed
Strength 7 Stats7.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 7 Stats7.png
Strength 8 Stats7plus1.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 6 Stats7minus1.png
Strength 7 Stats7.png
Dexterity 5 Stats4plus1.png
Defence 3 Stats4minus1.png
Speed 7 Stats7.png
Strength 6 Stats7minus1.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 5 Stats4plus1.png
Speed 7 Stats7.png
Strength 7 Stats7.png
Dexterity 3 Stats4minus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 8 Stats7plus1.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 4 Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 6

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Fait:

Rewards for Fait
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+ 50 100
Color Blue.png Color Yellow.png Color Green.png Color Brown.png Defense Stance Dexterity Stance Color Orange.png Speed Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Strength Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Color Purple.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Cyan.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Sunset.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Gray.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Pink.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Red.png Coin Gold.png 120 The Star Speaker

List of Skins

Cosmic Fait
Cosmic Fait.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Dark Arts Fait
Dark Arts Fait.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Feline Fait
Feline Fait.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 200
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300
Headmaster Fait
Headmaster Fait.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon BackToSchool.png Back to School exclusive
Metadev Fait
Metadev Fait.png
Not normally obtainable.
See Metadev
Star Commander Fait
Star Commander Fait.png
Season Five - Gold Pass Season Five | Tier 47 Reward
Cozy Sweater Fait
Cozy Sweater Fait.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Winter.png Brawlhallidays exclusive

Color Variants

Update History

Patch 8.06 (March 20, 2024)

  • Fait Neutral Orb: Decreased Force from 70 Fixed/52 Variable to 64 Fixed/50 Variable; Increased Damage from 23 to 24.

Patch 8.03 (December 21, 2023)

  • Fait Down Scythe: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 10 to 7.

Patch 7.03 (January 25, 2023)

  • Fait Down Scythe: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 12 to 10.

Patch 5.05 (March 24, 2021)

  • Fait Down Scythe: Increased Damage from 20 to 25; Increased Force from a range of 70~60 Fixed/43~40 Variable to a range of 70~60 Fixed/48~44 Variable.

Patch 4.07 (October 1, 2020)

  • Fait Side Orb: Increased total Recover time on miss from 18 to 23.
  • Fait Down Orb: Increased Minimum Charge time from 5 to 9; Increased total Recover time on miss from 15 to 20.

Patch 3.40 (April 10, 2019)

  • Fait Neutral Orb: Increase Recover time from 13 to 15; Increase Minimum Charge time from 7 to 8.
  • Fait Down Orb: Increased Recover time on miss from 10 to 14.

Patch 3.36 (January 30, 2019)

  • Fait was added to the game.

See Also