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Blasters Example.png
Icon: Blasters Icon.png

Blasters are one of the Weapons used in the game Brawlhalla.

The Blasters are a set of pistol-like firearms that shoot out yellow blasts. With its shots giving it decent range, the Blasters can combo and knock around opponents while still keeping some distance away from its user.


Ground Attacks

Neutral Light

Lord Vraxx using his Blasters' NLight on Bödvar

The user shoots out two small blasts. If it connects, the enemy will be shot once more and knocking them upwards and diagonally relative to the user. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Side Light

The user shoots out a singular blast to their side with extended range and knocking enemies upwards and diagonally relative to the user. This attack releases very little knockback against the enemy, allowing the user to connect the attack with another.

Down Light

The user shoots out three bullets that travel across the ground horizontally. If an enemy is hit by one, they will travel to the next bullet until they are shot with the third one. The final shot knocks the enemy upwards and diagonally relative to the user.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air

The user shoots out two quick small blasts facing up.

Side Air

The user shoots out a blast forwards, dealing knockback.

Down Air

The user shoots out two small blasts while facing down. If it connects, the enemy will be shot more.


The user kicks up and spins around the gun twice, then shoots up. The animation takes a considerable amount of time and can be steered. All of the hitboxes of this recovery combo into each other if no direction is inputted.

Ground Pound

The user performs a gunspin and shoots down headfirst. If you land on the ground, you will bounce a short distance.

Legends that use Blasters

Character Primary Secondary
SkinIcon Cassidy Classic.png
Blasters Icon.png Grapple Hammer Icon.png
SkinIcon LordVraxx Classic.png
Rocket Lance Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Thatch Classic.png
Sword Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Ada Classic.png
Blasters Icon.png Spear Icon.png
SkinIcon Lucien Classic.png
Katars Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Barraza Classic.png
Axe Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Diana Classic.png
Bow Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Cross Classic.png
Blasters Icon.png Gauntlets Icon.png
SkinIcon Nix Classic.png
Scythe Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Isaiah Classic.png
Cannon Icon.png Blasters Icon.png
SkinIcon Reno Classic.png
Blasters Icon.png Orb Icon.png
SkinIcon Vivi Classic.png
Battle Boots Icon.png Blasters Icon.png

See also

Grapple Hammer Icon.png Grapple Hammer  •  Sword Icon.png Sword  •  Blasters Icon.png Blasters  •  Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance  •  Spear Icon.png Spear  •  Katars Icon.png Katars  •  Axe Icon.png Axe  •  Bow Icon.png Bow  •  Gauntlets Icon.png Gauntlets  •  Scythe Icon.png Scythe  •  Cannon Icon.png Cannon  •  Orb Icon.png Orb  •  Greatsword Icon.png Greatsword  •  Battle Boots Icon.png Battle Boots