Lord Vraxx

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Lord Vraxx
Idle Pose
Official Art
Lord Vraxx.png
The Despotic
Click stat icon to see stat changes
Strength Stats4.png Rocket Lance Icon.png
Dexterity Stats8.png
Defence Stats4.png Blasters Icon.png
Speed Stats6.png
Gender: Male
Bot Name: Robraxx
Store Price: Coin Gold.png 2,300
Store Description: Scheming conquerer of a thousand worlds. What's one more?
Released: April 30, 2014
(Alpha Launch)

Lord Vraxx is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla.


The Despotic

Lord Vraxx we adore thee. So strong and smart and great.
Don't shoot or fry or jail us. Don't crush or immolate.
Don't chop us into pieces. Don't throw us in the bay.
We're loyal, true and faithful. You're looking great today.
– 241st stanza of the Vraxxian Imperial Anthem
"Now, Lance Starchampion, I've beaten you at laser sword dueling, just as I have beaten you at everything else. But I will keep you alive long enough to witness my final victory."
– Lord Vraxx

As the story goes...

Vraxx's father was Governor-Tyrant of the Ice Planet Roldakk-9, and young Vraxx spent his childhood like most Zhaktari noblespawn - in a vat. As a cadet pilot in the Zhaktar Academy for Conquest and Subjugation, he excelled in spacedog fighting, judging the weak, and planetary immolation.

As a young warlord, Vraxx destroyed Roldakk for harboring his childhood piano teacher, and soon built an impressive empire through fear, intimidation, brilliant space combat, and fear. However, Vraxx's extraordinary military prowess was always undermined by overconfidence, grandstanding, gloating, unworkable revenge plots, and general self-indulgence. He vaporized one planet because he didn't like the color of their beaches, and disintegrated so many ill-performing generals that the rank of lieutenant colonel became known as 'the sweet spot.'

In Valhalla, Vraxx's naked ambition and unremitting scheming is reassuringly constant. He is contemptuous of heroes who are not royalty, and only Nai, Bödvar, Hattori and Orion are worthy of direct address. Vraxx's most prized possession is everything he owns so no touching.


Selenite Jet Lance
Selenite Jet Lance.png
Rocket Lance Skin
Selenite Ray Guns
Selenite Ray Guns.png
Blasters Skin


Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance
Attack Image Description
Neutral Sig LordVraxx LanceN.png Lord Vraxx charges his lance with green energy, poking it diagonally upward. Upon landing this attack, the first opponent hit by this attack will be grappled by the energy, getting tased, stabbed, and launched backward in the process.
Side Sig LordVraxx LanceS.png

Lord Vraxx's boosts forward with his lance, with green energy wrapped around the front of the lance hitting anyone in its path.

Down Sig LordVraxx LanceD.png Lord Vraxx charges his lance and sweeps forward, attacking directly in front of him. Upon landing this attack, the first opponent hit will be grappled by the green energy and subsequently flung backward.
Blasters Icon.png Blasters
Attack Image Description
Neutral Sig LordVraxx BlastersN.png Lord Vraxx aims both his blasters diagonally upward, shooting out green waves of energy.
Side Sig LordVraxx BlastersS.png Lord Vraxx charges his blasters, spinning with a slash of energy forward and firing a single shot after.
Down Sig LordVraxx BlastersD.png Lord Vraxx aims at a distance and creates a green target on the ground, which explodes into energy once fired.


The following Stances can be equipped for Lord Vraxx:

StatIcon Base NoBorder.png Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder.png Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder.png Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder.png Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder.png Speed
Strength 4 Stats4.png
Dexterity 8 Stats8.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 5 Stats4plus1.png
Dexterity 7 Stats8minus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 4 Stats4.png
Dexterity 9 Stats8plus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 5 Stats6minus1.png
Strength 3 Stats4minus1.png
Dexterity 8 Stats8.png
Defence 5 Stats4plus1.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 4 Stats4.png
Dexterity 8 Stats8.png
Defence 3 Stats4minus1.png
Speed 7 Stats6plus1.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 4 Unlocked at level 6

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Lord Vraxx:

Rewards for Lord Vraxx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+ 50 100
Color Blue.png Color Yellow.png Color Green.png Color Brown.png Strength Stance Defense Stance Color Orange.png Speed Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Dexterity Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Color Purple.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Cyan.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Sunset.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Gray.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Pink.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Red.png Coin Gold.png 120 The Despotic
Lord Vraxx

List of Skins

Vraxx the Viking
Vraxx the Viking.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 80
Vraxx the King
Vraxx the King.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Dark Matter Vraxx
Dark Matter Vraxx.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 200
Wasteland Vraxx
Wasteland Vraxx.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 200
Princess Bubblegum
AniPrincess Bubblegum.gif
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300
Professor Vraxx
Professor Vraxx.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon BackToSchool.png Back to School exclusive
Vraxxy Jones
Vraxxy Jones.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Summer.png Heatwave exclusive

Color Variants


  • Before Patch 5.00, Lord Vraxx's store price was Coin Gold.png 3,900.

See Also