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Greatsword Example.png
Icon: Greatsword Icon.png

The Greatsword is one of the Weapons used in the game Brawlhalla. It was added in patch 4.03.

The Greatsword is a huge, powerful blade with a unique moveset for combos. Normally its attacks are slow and drawn out, however upon hitting an opponent its following attacks will be much faster.


The Greatsword moveset is unique as it is the first weapon to have opener, bridge, and closer attacks. These are light attacks that are performed depending on what move was performed prior, resulting in a set of attacks greater than other weapons.

A visual representation of all the possible moves from the Greatsword

Ground Attacks: Openers

Opener Attacks are light attacks that are performed at the beginning of any attack string.

Neutral Light Opener

The user swings the Greatsword upward, hitting enemies directly in front and above them.

Side Light Opener

The user pokes the Greatsword forward.

Down Light Opener

The user leans forward and slashes with the Greatsword.

Ground Attacks: Bridges

Bridge Attacks are light attacks that serve the purpose of adding an extra attack between an opener and a closer attack. They are performed by using a light attack after an opener, but only if the bridge attack was in a different direction than the opener. Visually, bridge attacks are indicated with a yellow slash effect.

Neutral Light Bridge (from Side Light)

While holding the Greatsword out, the user swings upward, quickly hitting enemies in front and above him. This reaches further than a Neutral Light opener.

This attack can only be performed after a Side Light opener.

Neutral Light Bridge (from Down Light)

The user brings the Greatsword to their front and swings upward, creating a slash that hits enemies in front of them. This reaches slightly further than a Neutral Light opener.

This attack can only be performed after a Down Light opener.

Side Light Bridge

The user leans in and pokes the Greatsword forward. This reaches further than a Side Light opener.

Down Light Bridge

The user sticks the Greatsword in the ground and slides forward.

Ground Attacks: Closers

Closer Attacks are light attacks that are much more hard hitting than opener and bridge attacks. They can be performed in several ways:

  • Attacking after an opener attack, using the same light attack as the opener attack
  • Using a light attack after a bridge attack
  • Gravity-Cancelling into a light attack

The closer attack will be different depending on what attack was performed before, giving each type of light attack (Neutral, Side, Down) 3 closer variants.

Visually, closer attacks are indicated with an orange slash effect.

Neutral Light Closer (from Neutral Light)

The user swings their Greatsword around and produces a large slash diagonally forward in the air, lifting themselves up in the process.

Performed after a Neutral Light opener or bridge, or during a gravity-cancel.

Neutral Light Closer (from Side Light)

The user swings the Greatsword upwards, producing a large slash above them.

Performed after a Side Light bridge.

Neutral Light Closer (from Down Light)

The user leaps into the air and slashes the Greatsword diagonally forward.

Performed after a Down Light bridge.

Side Light Closer (from Neutral Light)

The user swings the Greatsword forward, producing a downward-angled slash.

Performed after a Neutral Light bridge.

Side Light Closer (from Side Light)

The user pokes the Greatsword forward with one hand.

Performed after a Side Light opener or bridge, or during a gravity-cancel.

Side Light Closer (from Down Light)

The user swings the Greatsword forward, producing an upward-angled slash.

Performed after a Down Light bridge.

Down Light Closer (from Neutral Light)

The user brings the Greatsword from his back and slashes downward in front of themselves.

Performed after a Neutral Light bridge.

Down Light Closer (from Side Light)

The user jumps in the air and slams the Greatsword on the ground.

Performed after a Side Light bridge.

Down Light Closer (from Down Light)

The user spins the Greatsword around their body, hitting enemies on either side of them.

Performed after a Down Light opener or bridge, or during a gravity-cancel.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air

The user swings the Greatsword upward. If grounded, this can be used as an opener.

Side Air

The user swings the Greatsword downward and in front of them. If grounded, this can be used as an opener.

Down Air

The user pokes the Greatsword directly downward. If grounded, this can be used as an opener.


The user lifts the sword and slashes upward, carrying themselves in the process. This move can act as a closer.

Ground Pound

The user falls while holding their Greatsword in front of them. This move can act as a closer.

Legends that use Greatsword

Character Primary Secondary
SkinIcon Jaeyun Classic.png
Sword Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png
SkinIcon Mako Classic.png
Katars Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png
SkinIcon Magyar Classic.png
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png
SkinIcon Arcadia Classic.png
Spear Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png
SkinIcon Imugi Classic.png
Axe Icon.png Greatsword Icon.png


  • In 2020, the year this weapon was added, it was classified as the strongest weapon. That year, in BCX, nearly every player used Jaeyun, the only tournament-legal Greatsword Legend at the time, at some point. In patch 5.02, Greatsword recieved the biggest nerf any weapon had ever had, as well as nerfs to a few of Jaeyun's and Mako's sigs.

See also

Grapple Hammer Icon.png Grapple Hammer  •  Sword Icon.png Sword  •  Blasters Icon.png Blasters  •  Rocket Lance Icon.png Rocket Lance  •  Spear Icon.png Spear  •  Katars Icon.png Katars  •  Axe Icon.png Axe  •  Bow Icon.png Bow  •  Gauntlets Icon.png Gauntlets  •  Scythe Icon.png Scythe  •  Cannon Icon.png Cannon  •  Orb Icon.png Orb  •  Greatsword Icon.png Greatsword  •  Battle Boots Icon.png Battle Boots