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Disambig.svg This article is about the Legend. For the Weapon Skin, see Dusk (Weapon Skin).
Idle Pose
Official Art
The Renegade Sorcerer
Click stat icon to see stat changes
Strength Stats6.png Spear Icon.png
Dexterity Stats7.png
Defence Stats4.png Orb Icon.png
Speed Stats5.png
Gender: Male
Bot Name: Reprodusktion
Store Price: Coin Gold.png 5,400
Store Description: To a Master Artificer, centuries of imprisonment just means R&D time.
Released: November 28, 2018
(Release 3.33)

Dusk is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla. The number-one enemy of the Elves, he was the first Orb legend to be added in the game, along with a Spear as his second weapon. He has 7 Dexterity for his best stat. His lowest stat is his 4 points of Defense.

The Fangwild and Dusk share the same theme.


The Renegade Sorcerer

"Dusk was the only prisoner here that mattered. Now the walls are smashed to bits and he’s gone. So I guess I’m retired."
– Illidar, Warden of Elondil Prison
"I use the magic of the elven-folk to make the doom of gods, not cookies OR presents for you."
– Dusk to Kaya

As the story goes...

If there’s one thing the Elven King regrets above all else, it’s not killing Dusk thoroughly enough. It was Master Artificer Dusk who wove the mighty fabric of spells that created the great golem battalions. It was Dusk who led the golem assault on Asgard. And when the elves were defeated by Thor and the valkyries, it was Dusk whom the Elven King blamed.

Dusk was thrown into Elondil Prison, and for four hundred years, there he stayed. But he was not defeated. For two hundred years, in a bare and lightless cell, Dusk forged the tool that would free him – an orb made of stone and magic. And, for another two hundred years, Dusk taught himself to wield it, bonding the Orb to his will and turning the tool into a weapon.

When he was ready, the orb smashed walls and guards alike, and Dusk escaped Aelfheim into the great Fangwild forest. The Guardian of the Fangwild was not prepared for the strange new weapon Dusk wields and fell to his ambush. Styling himself the new Lord of the Fangwild, he gathered the power of the eldritch forest and schemes to overthrow both Aelfheim and Asgard.

But the Fangwild is not so easy to master, and now Dusk is in Valhalla. Yet his ambitions run deep, and he is planning something big. Dusk and the new weapon he wields have taken the Grand Tournament by storm. Ember and Ragnir loathe him as a betrayer, but his intensity and ambition have gathered him a following among the less scrupulous legends.


Elven Battle Spear
Elven Battle Spear.png
Spear Skin
Sacred Relic
Sacred Relic.png
Orb Skin


The following Stances can be equipped for Dusk:

StatIcon Base NoBorder.png Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder.png Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder.png Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder.png Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder.png Speed
Strength 6 Stats6.png
Dexterity 7 Stats7.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 5 Stats5.png
Strength 7 Stats6plus1.png
Dexterity 6 Stats7minus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 5 Stats5.png
Strength 6 Stats6.png
Dexterity 8 Stats7plus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 4 Stats5minus1.png
Strength 5 Stats6minus1.png
Dexterity 7 Stats7.png
Defence 5 Stats4plus1.png
Speed 5 Stats5.png
Strength 6 Stats6.png
Dexterity 7 Stats7.png
Defence 3 Stats4minus1.png
Speed 6 Stats5plus1.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 4

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Dusk:

Rewards for Dusk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+ 50 100
Color Blue.png Color Yellow.png Color Green.png Color Brown.png Defense Stance Speed Stance Color Orange.png Dexterity Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Strength Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Color Purple.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Cyan.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Sunset.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Gray.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Pink.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Red.png Coin Gold.png 120 The Renegade Sorcerer

List of Skins

Raven Shaman Dusk
Raven Shaman Dusk.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Thornwood Dusk
Thornwood Dusk.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Imperial Lord Dusk
Imperial Lord Dusk.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300
Dusk Till Dawn
Dusk Till Dawn.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Halloween.png Brawlhalloween exclusive
Date Night Dusk
Date Night Dusk.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Valentines.png Valhallentine's exclusive
Deathcap Dusk
Deathcap Dusk.png
Season Six - Gold Pass Season Six | Tier 47 Reward

Color Variants

Update History

Patch 8.04 (January 31, 2024)

  • Dusk Neutral Spear: Increased total Recover time on miss from 13 to 15.

Patch 7.11 (August 9, 2023)

  • Dusk Neutral Orb: Increased Minimum Charge time from 5 to 6; Increased Damage from 24 to 25.

Patch 7.03 (January 25, 2023)

  • Dusk Neutral Spear: Greatly increased horizontal threat coverage.

Patch 6.10 (August 31, 2022)

  • Dusk Neutral Spear: Decreased total Recover time on miss from 16 to 13.

Patch 5.07 (May 19, 2021)

  • Dusk Down Spear: Increased maximum vertical threat coverage.

Patch 5.05 (March 24, 2021)

  • Dusk Down Spear: Increased Force from 65 Fixed/48 Variable to 65 Fixed/52 Variable.
  • Dusk Neutral Orb: Increased Force from 60 Fixed/50 Variable to 60 Fixed/54 Variable.
  • Dusk Side Orb: Increased Damage from 22 to 24; Increased Force from 60 Fixed/50 Variable to 60 Fixed/53 Variable.
  • Dusk Down Orb: Increased Force from 55 Fixed/44 Variable to 55 Fixed/48 Variable.

Patch 3.58 (March 16, 2020)

  • Dusk Side Spear: Increased Force from 68 Fixed/50 Variable to 68 Fixed/53 Variable.

Patch 3.46 (July 17, 2019)

  • Dusk Side Spear: Decreased Recover time on miss from 6 to 3.
  • Dusk Down Spear: Decreased Recover time from 15 to 13.

Patch 3.34 (December 19, 2018)

  • Dusk Down Orb: Increased Force from 55 Fixed/35 Variable to 55 Fixed/44 Variable; Increased Damage from 21 to 24 and focused the damage more into the final hit.

Patch 3.33 (November 28, 2018)

  • Dusk was added to the game.

See Also