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Idle Pose
Official Art
The Darkheart
Click stat icon to see stat changes
Strength Stats8.png Gauntlets Icon.png
Dexterity Stats4.png
Defence Stats4.png Orb Icon.png
Speed Stats6.png
Gender: Female
Bot Name: Botra
Store Price: Coin Gold.png 5,400
Store Description: If an interdimensional prison couldn't hold her, nothing will.
Released: June 26, 2019
(Release 3.45)
Home: Terminus

Petra is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla.


The Darkheart

"Brynn has gone too far this time. She pulled this 'Petra' out of Terminus. We should not allow anyone from that interdimensional sinkhole near Valhalla. Especially not a troublemaker like her."
– Heimdall to Odin
"What's up, NERDS! Who's ready to get their butts kicked?"
– Petra, entering Valhalla for the first time

As the story goes...

To most, Terminus is a dystopian prison realm where frighteningly violent and dangerous undesirables are banished. To Petra, Terminus is home.

Born in the chaotic nexus dimension that contains Terminus, Petra was as wild and ungovernable as her native world. While a young street urchin, Petra bought and sold anything forbidden - stim packs, mana potions, mayochup. She would fight anyone in any way - at sixteen she took over her street gang by defeating the previous boss in what can only be described as flying laser death chess. By eighteen her gang, the Incarnates, ran the Raptor Pits and the Cyborg Rings. And at nineteen, the Incarnates won a turf war that gave them control of a Darkheart quarry that would change Petra's life forever.

Before Terminus was a prison, it was a mine - the only source in the multiverse of the cryptic ore called Darkheart. The power and danger of Darkheart was so great the gods folded Terminus into its own dimension and declared it eternally bound just to quarantine the ore. Darkheart became the ultimate cosmic contraband.

Some say Petra was infected by Darkheart, others say she unlocked its power. Whatever the truth, she has brought that mythic ore and the strength it imbues to Valhalla. In Valhalla, Petra is quarrelsome, violent, brooding, unruly, and very well-liked. Her Orb sparing matches with Thor draw huge crowds and huge fines for property damage - both of which the two ignore.


Knockouts (Weapon Skin).png
Gauntlets Skin
Stone of Malice
Stone of Malice.png
Orb Skin


The following Stances can be equipped for Petra:

StatIcon Base NoBorder.png Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder.png Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder.png Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder.png Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder.png Speed
Strength 8 Stats8.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 9 Stats8plus1.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 3 Stats4minus1.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 7 Stats8minus1.png
Dexterity 5 Stats4plus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 6 Stats6.png
Strength 8 Stats8.png
Dexterity 4 Stats4.png
Defence 5 Stats4plus1.png
Speed 5 Stats6minus1.png
Strength 8 Stats8.png
Dexterity 3 Stats4minus1.png
Defence 4 Stats4.png
Speed 7 Stats6plus1.png
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 4

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Petra:

Rewards for Petra
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+ 50 100
Color Blue.png Color Yellow.png Color Green.png Color Brown.png Dexterity Stance Speed Stance Color Orange.png Defense Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Strength Stance Coin Gold.png 120 Color Purple.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Cyan.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Sunset.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Gray.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Pink.png Coin Gold.png 120 Color Red.png Coin Gold.png 120 The Darkheart

List of Skins

Sourcecode Petra
Sourcecode Petra.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Darkheart Petra
Darkheart Petra.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Lost World Petra
Lost World Petra.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
Petra Reanimated
Petra Reanimated.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Halloween.png Brawlhalloween exclusive
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300
Obake Petra
AniObake Petra.gif
Season One - Gold Pass Season One | Tier 1 Reward
Progression skin
Riptide Petra
Riptide Petra.png
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 140
EventIcon Summer.png Heatwave exclusive
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300
Cost: Coin Mammoth.png 300

Color Variants

Update History

Patch 6.08 (June 22, 2022)

  • Petra Side Gauntlets: Increased Minimum Charge time from 15 to 17; Increased total Recover time on miss from 22 to 24 when ending on ground, and increased from 20 to 24 when ending in air.
  • Petra Side Orb: Increased total Recover time of the uncharged version from 14 to 16.

Patch 6.03 (January 19, 2022)

  • Petra Side Gauntlets: Increased Minimum Charge time from 13 to 15.

Patch 5.11 (September 1, 2021)

  • Petra Neutral Gauntlets: Increased total Recover time from 22 to 24.

Patch 4.07 (October 1, 2020)

  • Petra Neutral Gauntlets: Increased total Recover time from 20 to 22.
  • Petra Side Gauntlets: Increased total Recover time on miss from 20 to 22.

Patch 3.55 (January 15, 2020)

  • Petra Neutral Orb: Increased total Damage of the final setup hit from 1 to 2; Decreased Damage of final blast from 15 to 14.

Patch 3.48 (August 29, 2019)

  • Petra Side Gauntlets: Increased Recover time on miss from 10 to 12.
  • Petra Down Gauntlets: Increased Recover time on miss from 18 to 20.

Patch 3.47 (August 8, 2019)

  • Petra Neutral Gauntlets: Increased Recover time from 8 to 9; Increased Minimum Charge time from 7 to 8; Decreased Force from a range of 95~75 Fixed/46~44 Variable to a range of 95~75 Fixed/44~40 Variable.

Patch 3.45 (June 26, 2019)

  • Petra was added to the game.


  • In-game, Petra's special arm will switch between her left and right side depending on the direction she faces. In official artwork, her right arm is always the special one.

See Also