@brawlhalla vs. @danfornace Twitter Challenge

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On November 30, 2016, @danfornace, creator of the Rivals of Aether series, declared a challenge with @brawlhalla on Twitter. He proposed a race to 20K twitter followers, where the loser would have to create a skin for their game using a character from the opposing game as inspiration.

@danfornace lost. @brawlhalla rocketed to 100K before @danfornace broke the 20K target. Accepting defeat, @danfornace created a skin for the Rivals of Aether character, Maypul, which copied the looks of Ragnir. However, Brawlhalla decided to make a crossover skin anyway and based their skin off of Ranno from the Rivals of Aether series. This became the Ranno Wu Shang skin.