Template:Blank Infobox

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Parameter Description
above Parameter's input is displayed as a centered line above all headers and labels/data cells.
abovestyle Input CSS to change the appearance of the above cell of infobox.
The header to be displayed on 1st line of infobox.

Defining any header will not allow a label/data or plain data to appear.
The label to be displayed on the left on 1st line of infobox.

If corresponding data parameter is defined, elements appear in two rows.
The data to be displayed on 1st line of infobox.

If data parameter is defined alone, input is displayed as centered text.
headerstyle Input CSS to change the appearance of every header of infobox.
labelstyle Input CSS to change the appearance of every label of infobox.
datastyle Input CSS to change the appearance of every data cell of infobox.
below Parameter's input is displayed as a centered line below all headers and labels/data.
belowstyle Input CSS to change the appearance of the below cell of infobox.
primarystyle Input CSS to change the appearance of the box itself.

NOTE: Do not use unless you know what you are doing
secondarystyle Input CSS to change the appearance of the main table of the box.

NOTE: Do not use unless you know what you are doing
child Boolean.
Inputting anything will allow you to seamlessly add a second infobox within the first. See Example


Standard Usage

The following example shows how the input is displayed.

This is the above text

Header 1
Label 2: Data 2
Label 3: Data 3
Header 4 Defined

Data 5 defined by itself

Foo: Bar
Header 8 Defined

This is the below text

{{Blank Infobox
| above = This is the above text

| header1 = Header 1

| label2 = Label 2
| data2 = Data 2

| label3 = Label 3
| data3 = Data 3

| header4 = Header 4 Defined
| label4 = Label 4 does not appear
| data4 = Data 4 does not appear

| data5 = Data 5 defined by itself

| label6 = Label 6 defined by itself

| label7 = Foo
| data7 = Bar

| header8 = Header 8 Defined
| data8 = Data 8 does not appear

| below = This is the below text


Images can be displayed in the infobox like so:

Hydra Guy


Race: Plushie
{{Blank Infobox
| header1 = Hydra Guy

| data2 = [[File:Curse hydra.png|250x250px]]

| label3 = Race
| data3 = Plushie


Simple CSS Usage

Use CSS to change the look of elements.

Above Style

Header is black and red
Label 2 Style: Data 2 Style
Affects all Labels: Affects all Data

Data Style applies to isolated data as well

Below Style is Italic

{{Blank Infobox
| abovestyle = background-color: black; color: yellow;
| above = Above Style

| headerstyle = color: black; background-color: red;
| header1 = Header is black and red

| labelstyle = color: #ff00ff; background-color: #00ff00;
| datastyle = color: #0000ff;

| label2 = Label 2 Style
| data2 = Data 2 Style

| label3 = Affects all Labels
| data3 = Affects all Data

| data4 = Data Style applies to isolated data as well

| belowstyle = background-color: yellow; color: black; font-style: italic;
| below = Below Style is Italic


The |primarystyle and |secondarystyle parameters are only for those who knows how to use them. These parameters can change the size of the infobox, the location, the appearance, etc. that may or may not work with the rest of the Infobox.

In general, an Infobox is made of t tables, one that all the cells appear in, and a single cell table that controls the width, position, and style. The |primarystyle parameter, when changed, will alter the CSS of the box itself, for example, making the background color red instead of the default grey. The |secondarystyle parameter, when changed, will alter the style of the table within the box, allowing the cells of the Infobox to altered.

Some simple CSS could change the look of the Infobox completely, like this:

Above Text

Header Text
Label Text: Data Text
Label Text: Data Text

Data Text

Below Text

{{Blank Infobox
| primarystyle = border: green solid 3px; background: none;
| secondarystyle = width: 15em; float: right;

| above = Above Text

| header1 = Header Text

| label2 = Label Text
| data2 = Data Text

| label3 = Label Text
| data3 = Data Text

| data4 = Data Text

| below = Below Text

...or this:

Above Text

Header Text
Label Text: Data Text
Label Text: Data Text

Data Text

Below Text

{{Blank Infobox
| primarystyle = border: yellow solid 2.9em; background: #cd7584;
| secondarystyle = color: green; width: 8em; position: relative; left: -5em;

| above = Above Text

| header1 = Header Text

| label2 = Label Text
| data2 = Data Text

| label3 = Label Text
| data3 = Data Text

| data4 = Data Text

| below = Below Text

This can quickly and easily get out of hand, which is why it is recommended that only those who know what they are doing should use it.


You can embed an Infobox within another Infobox for any number of reasons. say, you have a lot of data and you need more, or you want Headers and Labels/Data to have a different style.

To embed the Infobox, the |child parameter must be defined with any value. For this example, it will be set to |child = true.

More data cells

First Infobox

Some Data

More Data

Even More Data

Second Header

Lots of data

{{Blank Infobox
| header1 = First Infobox

| data2 = Some Data
| data3 = More Data

<!-- ... -->

| data19 = Even More Data

<!-- All data parameters filled, so a second infobox will be used -->

| data20 = {{Blank Infobox
           | child = true            <!-- |child parameter defined -->
           | header1 = Second Header

           | data2 = Lots of data

Different Style

Header Style 1

Data Style 1

Header Style 2

Data Style 2

{{Blank Infobox
| headerstyle = color: black; background-color: white;
| header1 = Header Style 1

| datastyle = color: blue; background-color: red;
| data2 = Data Style 1

| below = {{Blank Infobox
          | child = true            <!-- |child parameter defined -->

          | headerstyle = color: white; background-color: black;
          | header1 = Header Style 2

          | datastyle = color: red; background-color: blue;
          | data2 = Data Style 2