Miami Dome

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Miami Dome

Map MiamiDome.png

Theme: Futuristic Citadel
Home To: Ada
Sizes: Standard

Miami Dome is one of the Maps available in Brawlhalla. It is cyberpunk city where the fight takes place on top of a neon-light adorned billboard. The background shows a futuristic city landscape, complete with flying car traffic and an MBFC building.

The Japanese printing that reads ラーメン on the main platform translates to "ramen" as evident by the romanized text below it.


  • Standard: A flat main platform with two soft platforms, both held up by scaffolding.
  • Big: The main platform is slightly larger and raised up. The soft platforms are now floating and further out on each side, and a third soft platform has been added to the middle. This middle platform moves back and forth throughout the match, taking ~10.4 seconds to move across.
Map MiamiDome.png
Intended for 1v1 and 2v2 matches.
Map MiamiDome Large.png
Intended for 3v3 and free-for-all matches.
