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In Brawlhalla, if the player goes too far out of the map (either by moving or by being sent there by an attack), they will die. This is often called a KO.

The area outside of the map where this happens is known as the Blastzone. The Blastzone is always outside of what the camera can show, and different maps have different Blastzone sizes. It should be noted that players only die in the top blastzone while they are stunned.

Some gamemodes like Street Brawl may alter these mechanics, but they often remain the same.

In certain gamemodes, killing other players gives points. The killer of a player is the last player to hit it before that player touched the ground or a wall. If a player that landed on the ground (and therefore does not have a killer) dies, this is known as an Accident. An intentional death is known as a Self Destruct, typically abbreviated to SD.


When a player dies during a match, they are brought back into the stage. This is called respawning.

Getting picked up by the Sidekick

When respawning after a death, the player's Sidekick will pick them up. This has the following steps:

  • Fetching: The sidekick moves to the player's location. This typically takes 2 seconds.
  • Respawning: The sidekick brings the player to the stage. This typically takes 3 seconds.
  • Dropping: The sidekick drops the player onto the stage. This typically takes 0.7 seconds.

During this period, the player cannot be hit, attack, dodge, jump, etc.

Certain Modes modify the timings:

  • In Brawlball, fetching takes 0.6 seconds, and respawning takes 2.5 seconds.
  • In Bombsketball, fetching takes 0.1 seconds, respawning takes 2 seconds, and dropping takes 0.5 seconds.
  • In Platform King, fetching takes 0.1 seconds, respawning takes 1.5 seconds, and dropping takes 0.5 seconds.
  • In Capture the Flag, fetching takes 2.1 seconds, and respawning takes 3.2 seconds.
  • In Kung Foot, fetching takes 0.2 seconds, respawning takes 1.5 seconds, and dropping takes 0.9 seconds.
  • In Horde, fetching takes 1 second, and respawning takes 2 seconds.
  • In Buddy, fetching takes 0.2 seconds, and respawning takes 2.3 seconds.
  • In Oddbrawl, fetching takes 0.6 seconds, and respawning takes 2.5 seconds.

Respawn Invincibility

After being dropped onto the stage, the player has 2.5 seconds of respawn invincibility. During this invincibility they cannot be hit, but they can still move around normally. The respawn invinicibility will end early if the player does an attack or picks up an item. Uniquely, in Bubble Tag picking up an item does not stop the respawn invincibility.

Sudden death

If In case the match ends in a tie, sudden death is activated. This is indicated by a "Sudden Death" announcement and text appearing on screen.

TODO: Add sudden death announcement sound and image

The player are brought back into the stage as if respawning, and their damage is set to 350. If a player dies during sudden death, they do not respawn.

The kill feed

When a player is killed, this is announced at the top of the game screen. A "kill feed" appears, containing the killer legend's head on the left, the killed legend's head on the right, and the killer legend's name in the center.

TODO: Add kill feed images. Also need to check how crossovers interact with this.

TODO: Check and document what happens when a different unrelated killing happens while the killfeed is displayed.

If the killer kills another player while the kill feed is still showing, this will be a Double Knockout. The second killed legend's head will be added to the right side.

This goes further with more kills:

  • 3 kills: Triple Knockout
  • 4 kills: Quad Knockout
  • 5 kills: Rampage
  • 6 or more kills: Multi Knockout

A kill streak are multiple kills done without dying inbetween. The game recognizes the following streak names:

  • 3: Dominating
  • 5: Berserk
  • 7: Unstoppable
  • 9: Legendary
  • 10, 15, and 20: Godlike

When a player reaches a kill streak or a double/triple/etc ko, this will appear below the kill feed.

TODO: Add images. I also seem to recall the announcer annoucing some or all of these.

Additionally, the first kill in the match will display as a First Strike.

End of match fanfare

When the match ends, text appears on the screen and the announcer will shout a matching phrase.

TODO: document the possible announcements (and eventually when they happen), and add images