Unused Content/Signature Attacks

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Default Signatures

Before Alpha v0.1.0, unique signature attacks did not exist for each Legend. Instead, each weapon would have the same heavy attacks, regardless of what Legend had the weapon equipped. Weapons that were affected by this include the Sword, Blasters, Rocket Lance, and Grapple Hammer.

During the time where unique signatures did not exist, there was no difference between neutral and down signatures - they both resulted in the same attack. As a result, each weapon only had 2 usable default signatures, with unused neutral signatures in the game files for Sword, Lance, Hammer and Blasters. Spear and Katars have no unused neutral signatures since they were released after unique signatures were introduced.

There are also default signatures found for the Bow, but were never used in-game.

Default signatures were fully removed from normal play by Beta v1.12.0.

Signature Animation Notes
Neutral-Sig Unused Sig Sword DefaultNeutral.gif Never used in-game.
Side-Sig Unused Sig Sword DefaultSide.gif Reused as Bödvar's Sword Down-Sig
Down-Sig Unused Sig Sword DefaultDown.gif Reused as Val's Sword Down-Sig

Signature Animation Notes
Neutral-Sig Unused Sig Blasters DefaultNeutral.gif May have been reused as Reno's Neutral-Sig.
Never used in-game.
Side-Sig Unused Sig Blasters DefaultSide.gif Unused Sig Blasters DefaultSide Hit.gif
On attack and on hit
Reused as Cross' Blasters Side-Sig
Down-Sig Unused Sig Blasters DefaultDown.gif Reused as Cross' Blasters Down-Sig

Signature Animation Notes
Neutral-Sig Unused Sig Lance DefaultNeutral Charge.gif Unused Sig Lance DefaultNeutral.gif
On charge and on attack
This launches the user into the sky.
Never used in-game, potentially inspiration for Thea Lance N-Sig
Side-Sig Unused Sig Lance DefaultSide.gif Similar to Lord Vraxx's Lance Side-Sig
Down-Sig Unused Sig Lance DefaultDown.gif Unused Sig Lance DefaultDown Hit.gif
On attack and on hit
The user charges forward, the enemy hit is launched behind them.

Signature Animation Notes
Neutral-Sig Unused Sig Hammer DefaultNeutral.gif Never used in-game.
Side-Sig Unused Sig Hammer DefaultSide.gif Reused as Bödvar's Hammer Side-Sig
Down-Sig Unused Sig Hammer DefaultDown.gif Unused Sig Hammer DefaultDown Hit.gif
On attack and on hit
The enemy hit is twirled into the sky.

Signature Animation
Side-Sig Unused Sig Spear DefaultSide.gif
Down-Sig Unused Sig Spear DefaultDown.gif

Signature Animation
Side-Sig Unused Sig Katar DefaultSide.gif
Down-Sig Unused Sig Katar DefaultDown.gif

Note: These were never used in-game.

Signature Animation
Side-Sig Unused Sig Bow DefaultSide.gif
Down-Sig Unused Sig Bow DefaultDown.gif

Introduction of Signatures

With the introduction of signature attacks in Alpha v0.1.0, there were two main differences compared to today:

  • Each Legend only had 1 unique signature per weapon, performed by doing a neutral heavy attack. Side heavy and down heavy remained as the default heavy attacks seen above.
  • Each unique signature had a name and icon; these could be viewed on the Legend info screen.

Combine this with the fact that all Legends could use each weapon, and every Legend had a total of four signatures.

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Bodvar Sword.png
Dragon's Doom
Unused Sig Bodvar Sword.gif
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Bodvar Lance.png
Thor's Anvil
Unused Sig Bodvar Lance.gif
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Bodvar Hammer.png
Blood of the Bear
Unused Sig Bodvar Hammer.gif Reused as Bödvar's Hammer Neutral-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Bodvar Blasters.png
Head Shot
Unused Sig Bodvar Blasters.gif

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Cassidy Sword.png
Dry Gulch Drop
Unused Sig Cassidy Sword.gif Cassidy slides forward before swinging.
Reused as Thatch's original Sword signature.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Cassidy Lance.png
Tumbleweed Twist
Unused Sig Cassidy Lance.gif
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Cassidy Hammer.png
Dust Devil
Unused Sig Cassidy Hammer.gif Reused as Cassidy's Hammer Down-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Cassidy Blasters.png
High Noon
Unused Sig Cassidy Blasters.gif Reused as Cassidy's Blasters Side-Sig.

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Orion Sword.png
Shining Jet Slash
Unused Sig Orion Sword.gif Repurposed into Orion's Spear Side-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Orion Lance.png
Celestial Coil
Unused Sig Orion Lance.gif
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Orion Hammer.png
Herald's Hammer
Unused Sig Orion Hammer.gif
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Orion Blasters.png
Blaze of Honor
Unused Sig Orion Blasters.gif

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Vraxx Sword.png
Solar Slash
Unused Sig Vraxx Sword.gif
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Vraxx Lance.png
Selenite Sling
Unused Sig Vraxx Lance.gif Reused as Lord Vraxx's Lance Neutral-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Vraxx Hammer.png
Saturn Strike
Unused Sig Vraxx Hammer.gif Repurposed into Sentinel's Hammer Down-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Vraxx Blasters.png
Raygun Rampage
Unused Sig Vraxx Blasters.gif The animation is slightly disjointed, not appearing exactly the same as in-game.

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Gnash Sword.png
Sharp Stick Slam!
Unused Sig Gnash Sword.gif Repurposed into Bödvar's Sword Neutral-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Gnash Lance.png
Big Tusk Slam!
Unused Sig Gnash Lance.gif Similar to Gnash's Spear Down-Sig, however Gnash does not roll backwards.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Gnash Hammer.png
Heavy Rock Slam!
Unused Sig Gnash Hammer.gif Reused as Gnash's Hammer Down-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Gnash Blasters.png
Pew Pew Slam!
Unused Sig Gnash Blasters.gif

Weapon Name & Icon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused SigIcon Nai Sword.png
Enrage the Earth
Unused Sig Nai Sword.gif
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused SigIcon Nai Lance.png
Feast of Vipers
Unused Sig Nai Lance.gif Reused as Queen Nai's Spear Side-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused SigIcon Nai Hammer.png
Jaws of the Coatl
Unused Sig Nai Hammer.gif Repurposed into Bödvar's Hammer Down-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused SigIcon Nai Blasters.png
Wings of the Serpent
Unused Sig Nai Blasters.gif Reused as Queen Nai's Katars Neutral-Sig.

In addition to these Legends, Hattori, Lucien, Sir Roland, and Scarlet were all in development when Signatures were added. As such, these Legends had some signatures found in the game files, but were never actually used in-game (as they were added once Legends only had two weapons each).

Weapon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused Sig Hattori Sword.gif Unused Sig Hattori Sword Hit.gif
On attack and on hit
Almost identical to Hattori's Sword Side-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused Sig Hattori Lance.gif Repurposed into Hattori's Spear Down-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused Sig Hattori Hammer.gif
Blasters Icon.png Unused Sig Hattori Blasters.gif Unused Sig Hattori Blasters Hit.gif
On attack and on hit

Weapon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused Sig Lucien Sword.gif Unused Sig Lucien Sword Hit.gif
On attack and on hit
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused Sig Lucien Lance.gif Reused as Thatch's original Lance signature.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused Sig Lucien Hammer.gif
Blasters Icon.png Unused Sig Lucien Blasters.gif Reused as Lucien's Blasters Side-Sig.

Weapon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png Unused Sig Roland Sword.gif Slightly modified into Sir Roland's Sword Side-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused Sig Roland Lance.gif Reused as Sir Roland's Lance Neutral-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused Sig Roland Hammer.gif Repurposed into Sir Roland's Sword Neutral-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Unused Sig Roland Blasters.gif

Weapon Animation Notes
Sword Icon.png N/A Scarlet had no Sword or Blasters signature animations in the game files.
It is possible her development started later than other Legends, perhaps after deciding each Legend would have two weapons only.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused Sig Scarlet Lance.gif
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Unused Sig Scarlet Hammer.gif
Blasters Icon.png N/A

Introduction of Weapon Combos

In Alpha v0.4.0, the ability to use any weapon as any Legend was removed, and each Legend was assigned two weapons. Because of this, each Legend up until Teros only had 2 unique Signatures (one per weapon), with the other heavy attacks being default Signatures.

These signatures all had names, many taken directly from when each Legend could use each weapon. These names could not be seen in-game after Beta v1.0, but would sometimes be referenced in patch notes until around Beta v1.7.0.

The following table lists all of the unique Signatures for each Legend. Since many are still used today, animations will only be shown for the ones that were removed.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Sword Icon.png Dragon's Doom Same as Bödvar's current Sword Neutral-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Blood of the Bear Same as Bödvar's current Hammer Neutral-Sig.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Blasters Icon.png High Noon Same as Cassidy's current Blasters Side-Sig.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Dust Devil Same as Cassidy's current Hammer Down-Sig.

Weapon Signature Name Signature Notes
Spear Icon.png Shining Jet Slash Same as Orion's current Spear Side-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Blaze of Honor Unused Sig Orion Lance2.gif Slightly different to Orion's current Lance Neutral-Sig, as he aims forwards instead of upwards.
Before Beta v1.0 (different Weapon combo)
Sword Icon.png Shining Jet Slash Unused Sig Orion Sword.gif This was repurposed for Orion's Spear.
Blasters Icon.png Blaze of Honor Unused Sig Orion Blasters.gif

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Rocket Lance Icon.png Selenite Sling Same as Lord Vraxx's current Lance Neutral-Sig.
Blasters Icon.png Raygun Rampage Unused Sig Vraxx Blasters.gif

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Heavy Rock Slam! Same as Gnash's current Hammer Down-Sig, with slightly higher vertical leap.
Spear Icon.png Sharp Stick Slam! Same as Gnash's current Spear Down-Sig, but Gnash does not roll backwards.

Weapon Signature Name Signature Notes
Spear Icon.png Jaws of the Coatl Same as Queen Nai's current Spear Down-Sig.
Katars Icon.png Wings of the Serpent Same as Queen Nai's current Katars Neutral-Sig.
Before Beta v1.0 (different Weapon combo)
Blasters Icon.png Wings of the Serpent Unused Sig Nai Blasters.gif Replaced by Katars; this was repurposed for Queen Nai's Katars.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Sword Icon.png Vengeance is Mine Same as Hattori's current Sword Side-Sig.
Spear Icon.png Deadly Distraction Same as Hattori's current Spear Down-Sig.

Weapon Signature Name Signature Notes
Sword Icon.png Clear the Decks Unused Sig Thatch Sword.gif This was originally Cassidy's Sword Signature. Thatch slides forward while attacking
Blasters Icon.png Broadside Same as Thatch's current Blasters Down-Sig.
Before Beta v1.0 (different Weapon combo)
Rocket Lance Icon.png Broadside Unused Sig Lucien Lance.gif Replaced by Blasters; this was originally planned to be Lucien's Lance Signature.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Centrifugal Force Same as Scarlet's current Hammer Down-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Boiling Point Same as Scarlet's current Lance Down-Sig.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Blasters Icon.png Parting Shots Same as Ada's current Blasters Down-Sig.
Spear Icon.png Bot Buster Same as Ada's current Spear Neutral-Sig, but she will slam the ground at the end.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Katars Icon.png System Overload Same as Sentinel's current Katars Down-Sig, but travels further forward.
Grapple Hammer Icon.png Arc of Justice Unused Sig Sentinel Hammer.gif

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Sword Icon.png By the Sword Same as Sir Roland's current Sword Neutral-Sig.
Rocket Lance Icon.png Chivalric Charge Same as Sir Roland's current Lance Neutral-Sig.

Weapon Signature Name Signature
Blasters Icon.png Coup de Grâce Same as Lucien's current Blasters Side-Sig.
Katars Icon.png Reverse Guillotine Same as Lucien's current Katars Side-Sig, with slightly further travel.

With Beta v1.7.0, the current system of 3 unique Signatures per Weapon was introduced. Over the course of several updates, previous Legends received their new Signatures in the following order:

  • Beta v1.7.0 (Mar 19, 2015): Lord Vraxx, Ada, Cassidy and Scarlet
  • Beta v1.8.0 (Apr 10, 2015): Queen Nai
  • Beta v1.8.7 (Apr 23, 2015): Gnash
  • Beta v1.9.0 (May 7, 2015): Sentinel
  • Beta v1.10.1 (May 22, 2015): Hattori and Sir Roland
  • Beta v1.11.0 (May 29, 2015): Bödvar and Orion
  • Beta v1.12.0 (June 17, 2015): Thatch and Lucien

By Beta v1.12.0, all Legends had 6 unique Signatures, in turn removing their older Signatures and default Signatures.

Air Signatures

In the game files, there existed unique and unused Signature animations for Queen Nai and Hattori that would have been used in the air. Only four total animations exist. It is unknown whether these would have been Legend-specific recovery attacks, or if they would have been side-air heavy attacks.

Stalker's Signatures

Stalker is an unreleased Legend who, despite being unreleased, had Signatures developed for her. As she was developed when each weapon had only one signature, she had two functioning signatures, one for her Lance and one for her Katars. There were also three additional Lance signatures tied to her, though it is unknown if they would have been used in-game.

Weapon Signature Description
Rocket Lance Icon.png Unused Sig Stalker Lance 1.gif Stalker charges forward, shooting a purple laser out of the exhaust of her Lance.
Katars Icon.png Unused Sig Stalker Katars.gif Stalker hides in the shadows, leaps forwards and strikes.
This attack is fast and covers a fairly large distance.
Unused Signatures
Unused Sig Stalker Lance 4.gif Unused Sig Stalker Lance 2.gif Unused Sig Stalker Lance 3.gif

Other Signatures

The following signatures have different or unknown reasons for going unused.

Unused Content
Legends Unused Legends  •  Old Designs  •  Skins  •  Custom Legends
Weapons Removed 4 Weapon System  •  Altered Weapon Combos  •  Weapon Stances  •  Unused Weapons  •  Weapon Skins
Signature Attacks Default Signatures  •  Introduction of Signatures  •  Introduction of Weapon Combos  •  Air Signatures  •  Stalker's Signatures  •  Other Signatures
Cosmetics Skins  •  Weapon Skins  •  Avatars  •  UI Themes  •  Podiums
Maps Dev Maps
Ranked Fire Diamond  •  Unused Ranked Appearance
Miscellaneous Party Mode  •  Green Team and Yellow Team