Unused Content/Weapons

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Removed 4 Weapon System

A stage with dropped weapons.

In early versions of Brawlhalla, each Legend could pick up and use any weapon. At the time, this included the Sword, Blasters, Rocket Lance, and Grapple Hammer.

Instead of the current weapon pickups that randomly grant one of two weapons, weapons would drop as cardboard versions on the ground. Once picked up by a Legend, the weapon's skin would change to make the Legend's appearance.

Dropped weapons would not fade away instantly, meaning if one player dropped a weapon another player could pick up and use that exact weapon.

This system was removed in Alpha v0.4.0 alongside the release of the Spear, in favor of the current 2 weapons per Legend system.

Altered Weapon Combos

Following the introduction of the 2 weapons per Legend system in Alpha v0.4.0, some Legends were given weapon combos that were later replaced. These include:

These legends had their weapon combos changed to their modern versions in Beta v1.0.

Additionally, there exist unused weapon skins that suggest Lucien was planned to have a Blasters and Sword weapon combo. This was never implemented into the actual game.

Weapon Stances

In early versions of the game, there exist unused poses where the player is holding the Sword or the Spear in different ways. These have different names given to them, based on how many hands are used and if the weapon is held forward or rear-side. The only ones ever used in-game are "Sword 1 Handed Rear" and "Spear Rear".

It may be possible these weapon stances were made for individual Legends, as some of them resemble the stances newer Legends take on the Legend select screen. However, these poses were created when each Legend could use every weapon. Therefore, it is possible that these stances would have been used as new weapons, or there would be some way for the player to chose how their Legends hold their weapons.

Unused Weapons

There exist multiple unused weapons, each with varying degrees of development put into them.

Unused Weapon Rifle.png The Rifle is the unused weapon with the most development put into it, as it is the only one to have animations made for it. It seemingly would have been a heavy weapon, but not much else is known about it.
Running animation with the Rifle.
Unused Weapon HeavyGun.png This rocket launcher is referred to as "HeavyGun" in the game files. It is most likely a very early version of the Cannon.
Unused Weapon Fist.png This odd weapon resembles the Gauntlets, but is simply called "Fist" in the game files. It is unknown what this could have been, but may have been developed into the Katars.
Unused Weapon Shuriken.png The Shuriken is an unused gadget and would have been thrown just like other gadgets. It is the only unused weapon that seems to have full art completed for it.
Holding the Shuriken.
Unused Weapon Sword2H.png This Katana is called "Sword2H" in the game files, referring to it being a 2-handed Sword. While this could be dismissed as a Sword skin, it is noticeably longer than the Sword, and has unique poses for holding the weapon. This may have been an early version of the Greatsword.
Holding the Katana forward.
Unused Weapon Dagger.png The Dagger. Similarly to the Katana this could also be dismissed as a Sword skin, but it is noticeably shorter than the Sword.

Weapon Skins

NOTE: This list of unused Weapon Skins is currently incomplete.

Original Weapon Skins (4 Weapons System)

Since every Legend could pick up each weapon before Alpha v0.4.0, every Legend had unique weapon skins for those weapons. As a result of that system being removed, several weapon skins for Bödvar, Cassidy, Orion, Lord Vraxx, and Gnash were removed.

Alongside these Legends, Scarlet, Hattori, Thatch, Lucien, and Sir Roland were all in development while this system was in place. As such, these Legends also had extra weapon skins designed, but those that were used were introduced after the removal of the 4 weapons system.

Use the tabs below to view the removed and unused weapon skins for each Legend. Weapons with a green background have been reused in some way.

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Bodvar Classic.png
Broad Sword.png
Broad Sword
Unused Blaster Bodvar.png Unused Lance Bodvar.png Warhammer.png

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Cassidy Classic.png
Unused Sword Cassidy.png Sixshooters.png
Unused Lance Cassidy.png Unused Hammer Cassidy.png

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Orion Classic.png
Unused Sword Orion.png Unused Blaster Orion.png Armored Attack Rocket.png
Armored Attack Rocket
Unused Hammer Orion.png

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Gnash Classic.png
Unused Sword Gnash.png Unused Blaster Gnash.png Unused Lance Gnash.png Smasher.png

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon QueenNai Classic.png
Queen Nai
Unused Sword Nai.png
Obsidian Edge
Unused Blaster Nai.png Unused Lance Nai.png Unused Hammer Nai.png
Ix Chel

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Scarlet Classic.png
Unused Sword Scarlet.png
Outlander's Knife
Unused Blaster Scarlet.png Unused Lance Scarlet.png Unused Hammer Scarlet.png Unused Hammer Scarlet2.png

Legend Sword Blasters Lance Hammer
SkinIcon Lucien Classic.png
Unused Sword Lucien.png Highwayman's Flintlocks.png
Highwayman's Flintlocks
Unused Lance Lucien.png Unused Hammer Lucien.png
The Kingsman


  • Some weapons have names if they are reused as base weapons, weapon skins, or are present in the Image Render Tool.
  • Hattori's Blasters and Lance, Thatch's Hammer, and Sir Rolands Blasters and Hammer were all reused as weapon skins.
  • Scarlet has 2 Hammer skins, it is unknown which would have been used for her base skin.
  • Lord Vraxx's Blasters and Lance were redesigned in Alpha v0.5.1.

Unused Weapon Combos

Due to Orion, Queen Nai, and Lucien temporarily having different weapon combos and skins still being in development, weapon skins were created for their old weapon combos. Most of these weapons go unused.


  • Atomic Orion's Blasters were repurposed into Lord Vraxx's default Blasters.
  • Dark Age Orion's Blasters are a slightly darker Cannonades.
  • Snake Charmer Nai's Blasters were repurposed into the Mother of Pearl Blasters.
  • Tomb Tamer Nai's Blasters were recolored and used as Bullet Hail of the King (Vraxx the King's Blasters)
  • Both Spec-Ops Lucien and Dark of Night Lucien's Swords were reused as weapon skins.

Default Weapon Skins

Default weapon skins exist for each Weapon. These can be viewed or used in-game through several different glitches:

  • Method 1: On the Legend select screen, if the player presses two direction buttons at the same time (ie left + right, up + down), the selected Legend's pose will take on the adjacent Legend's pose. If that Legend is holding a Weapon, the Weapon will appear as its default weapon skin.
  • Method 2: In Training Mode, give your legend a weapon using the training settings (tab menu) menu. Exit the menu, open it again, and switch the Legend to be one that can't use the Weapon you were just holding. After this, hold the reverse frame step button (F5) until the Legend is holding the previous Weapon. Here, it will take the appearance of the default weapon skin.

In Training Mode, the Sword, Blasters, Hammer, and Lance will all take on the appearance of the original cardboard weapon pickups instead of the default weapon skin.

Render Tool

For some reason, a handful of unused weapons are present in the in-game render tool, despite all being unobtainable:

Other Unused Weapon Skins

The following weapon skins remain unused for other or unknown reasons.

Unused Content
Legends Unused Legends  •  Old Designs  •  Skins  •  Custom Legends
Weapons Removed 4 Weapon System  •  Altered Weapon Combos  •  Weapon Stances  •  Unused Weapons  •  Weapon Skins
Signature Attacks Default Signatures  •  Introduction of Signatures  •  Introduction of Weapon Combos  •  Air Signatures  •  Stalker's Signatures  •  Other Signatures
Cosmetics Skins  •  Weapon Skins  •  Avatars  •  UI Themes  •  Podiums
Maps Dev Maps
Ranked Fire Diamond  •  Unused Ranked Appearance
Miscellaneous Party Mode  •  Green Team and Yellow Team