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Brawlhalla contains many Music tracks, as there is constantly music playing on both menu screens and Maps. Music is used to enhance the gameplay experience of Brawlhalla, but it can also be turned off in the options menu.

Each music track in Brawlhalla loops indefinitely, with some containing small intros before looping. The only exception to this are the victory theme tracks, which play quickly after a round is over.

List of Music

The following is a list of all music tracks in Brawlhalla. Each track here contains the intro of the song (if applicable) and a single loop.

Each track has an official name listed in the game's code, however there is no way to actually see these names in-game. As such, some song names (especially newer ones) are somewhat basic.

Map Tracks

Name Track Info
A History of Violins
(also known as Default Theme)
Plays on Brawlhaven, Kings Pass and Lost Labyrinth.
This song without its intro is used as the default theme, which will play on maps that don't have preset songs, such as the Thundergard Sands, Bombsketball, Dodgebomb, and Brawlball Arena maps.
Journey of Fire Plays on Thundergard Stadium and Shipwreck Falls.
Dance of the Desert Plays on Twilight Grove.
Hunchback of Brawlhalla Plays on Blackguard Keep.
Ship of Dreams Plays on The Enigma and The Great Hall.
Tribes of Brawlhalla Plays on Mammoth Fortress and Tutorial maps.
Wingfire Plays on Titan's End and Nightmare Horde.
Cyberpunk Plays on Miami Dome.
Fangwild Plays on The Fangwild.
Grumpy Temple Plays on Grumpy Temple.
Soccer Scherzo Plays on Kung Foot Arena.
Shovel Knight Plays on Plains of Passage.
Horde Plays on Apocalypse and the Horde map.
Buddy Plays on Tree Fort and Under the Canopy.
Ring Plays in the Brawldown gamemode.
CTF Plays on Demon Island and in the Capture the Flag gamemode.
Tag Plays on Crystal Temple.
Climb Plays on Temple Ruins and in the Temple Climb gamemode.
Shift Plays on Galvan Prime.
Synth Plays on Sun Drive City and Synthwave Kung Foot.
Jotun Plays on World's End and World's End Arena.
OEL Plays on Fortress of the Lions.
Space Plays on Void Major.
Fangwild* Plays on Fabled City.
*The internal name for this track is the same as the one that actually plays on The Fangwild.
TableTop Plays on Shorwind Fishing Port.
Terminus Plays on Terminus.
End Times Plays on Chasm.
The Walker's Attack Plays in the Walker Attack! gamemode.
KFP Plays on Spirit Realm and Spirit Realm Showdown.
TMNT Plays on The Turtles' Lair.
Street Fighter Plays on Suzaku Castle and Suzaku Castle Walls.
Street Fighter* Plays on Bustling Side Street.
*The internal name for this track is the same as the other Street Fighter level track.
G.I. DoJoe Plays on Arashikage Dojo.
Assassins Creed Plays on Florence Terrace.
Castlevania Plays on Dracula's Castle.
ATLA Plays on Western Air Temple.
Halo Plays on Halo.
Tekken Plays on Mishima Dojo.
This track was titled "TK" when it was accidentally added in Patch 7.05.
Tekken* Plays on Tekken Brawl.
*The internal name for this track is the same as the other Tekken level track. It was also originally titled "Volleybrawl" when first added in Patch 7.05.
Spongebob Plays on Bikini Bottom.
Mustafar Plays on Mustafar, and Theed Power Generator if Streamer Mode is enabled.
Theed Refinery Plays on Theed Power Generator if Streamer Mode is disabled.

Menu Tracks

Name Track Info
UI Background Music
(also known as Anniversary Background Music)
Default menu music.
This was originally introduced in the 2020 Anniversary Event, and has since replaced the previous menu music.
Character Select Theme
(also known as Anniversary Character Select)
Default character select music.
This was originally introduced in the 2020 Anniversary Event, and has since replaced the previous character select music.
Victory Theme
(also known as Anniversary Victory Theme)
Default post-game theme.
This was originally introduced in the 2020 Anniversary Event, and has since replaced the previous post-game anthem.

Seasonal Event Menu Tracks

Name Track Info
Holiday Background Music Menu music during the Brawlhallidays Event (since 2020).
Holiday Character Select Character select music during the Brawlhallidays Event (since 2022).
Holiday Win Theme Post-game theme during the Brawlhallidays Event (since 2022).
Valentines Background Music Menu music during the Valhallentine's Event (since 2021).
Valentines Character Select Character select music during the Valhallentine's Event (since 2023).
Valentines Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Valhallentine's Event (since 2023).
St Patricks Background Music Menu music during the Luck o' the Brawl Event (since 2021).
St Patricks Character Select Character select music during the Luck o' the Brawl Event (since 2022).
St Patricks Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Luck o' the Brawl Event (since 2022).
Spring Event Background Music Menu music during the Bloomhalla Event (since 2021).
Spring Event Character Select Character select music during the Bloomhalla Event (since 2022).
Spring Event Win Theme Post-game theme during the Bloomhalla Event (since 2022).
Heatwave Event Background Music Menu music during the Heatwave Event (since 2021).
Heatwave Character Select Character select music during the Heatwave Event (since 2022).
Heatwave Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Heatwave Event (since 2022).
Back to School Background Music Menu music during the Back to School Event (since 2021).
Back to School Character Select Character select music during the Back to School Event (since 2022).
Back to School Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Back to School Event (since 2022).
Halloween Background Music Menu music during the Brawlhalloween Event (since 2021).
Halloween Character Select Character select music during the Brawlhalloween Event (since 2023).
Halloween Victory Music Character select music during the Brawlhalloween Event (since 2023).
100Million Stinger with 5th Anniv Theme Plays before menu music during the 100 Million Brawlers Event.

Battle Pass Menu Tracks

Name Track Info
Battlepass Background Music* Menu music during the Season One Battle Pass.
*name changed with Battle Pass Classic, originally titled "UI Background Music" and replaced default track
Battlepass Character Select* Character select music during the Season One Battle Pass.
*name changed with Battle Pass Classic, originally titled "Character Select Theme" and replaced default track
Battlepass Victory Theme* Post-game theme during the Season One Battle Pass.
*name changed with Battle Pass Classic, originally titled "Victory Theme" and replaced default track
Synth Background Music Menu music during the Season Two Battle Pass.
Synth Character Select Character select music during the Season Two Battle Pass.
Synth Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Two Battle Pass.
Jotun Background Music Menu music during the Season Three Battle Pass.
Jotun Character Select Character select music during the Season Three Battle Pass.
Jotun Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Three Battle Pass.
OEL Background Music Menu music during the Season Four Battle Pass.
OEL Character Select Character select music during the Season Four Battle Pass.
OEL Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Four Battle Pass.
Space Background Music Menu music during the Season Five Battle Pass.
Space Character Select Character select music during the Season Five Battle Pass.
Space Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Five Battle Pass.
Fangwild Background Music Menu music during the Season Six Battle Pass.
Fangwild Character Select Character select music during the Season Six Battle Pass.
Fangwild Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Six Battle Pass.
TableTop Background Music Menu music during the Season Seven Battle Pass.
TableTop Character Select Character select music during the Season Seven Battle Pass.
TableTop Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Seven Battle Pass.
Terminus Background Music Menu music during the Season Eight Battle Pass.
Terminus Character Select Character select music during the Season Eight Battle Pass.
Terminus Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Eight Battle Pass.
End Times Background Music Menu music during the Season Nine Battle Pass.
End Times Character Select Character select music during the Season Nine Battle Pass.
End Times Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Season Nine Battle Pass.

Crossover Event Menu Tracks

Name Track Info
TWD Background Music Menu music during The Walking Dead Event.
TWD Character Select Character select music during The Walking Dead Event.
KFP Background Music Menu music during the Kung Fu Panda Event.
KFP Character Select Character select music during the Kung Fu Panda Event.
KFP Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Kung Fu Panda Event.
TMNT Background Music Menu music during the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event.
TMNT Character Select Character select music during the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event.
TMNT Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event.
Street Fighter Background Music Menu music during the Street Fighter Event.
Street Fighter Character Select Character select music during the Street Fighter Event.
Street Fighter Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Street Fighter Event.
GIJoe Background Music Menu music during the G.I. Joe Event.
The internal name for this track is misspelled, with no space between "GI" and "Joe".
GI Joe Character Select Character select music during the G.I. Joe Event.
GI Joe Victory Theme Post-game theme during the G.I. Joe Event.
Assassins Creed Background Music Menu music during the Assassin's Creed Event.
Assassins Creed Character Select Character select music during the Assassin's Creed Event.
Assassins Creed Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Assassin's Creed Event.
Castlevania Background Music Menu music during the Castlevania Event.
Castlevania Character Select Character select music during the Castlevania Event.
Castlevania Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Castlevania Event.
ATLA Background Music Menu music during the Avatar Event.
ATLA Character Select Character select music during the Avatar Event.
ATLA Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Avatar Event.
Halo Background Music Menu music during the Halo Event.
Halo Character Select Character select music during the Halo Event.
Halo Victory Theme Post-game theme during the Halo Event.
Tekken Background Music Menu music during the Tekken Event.
This track was titled "TK Background Music" when it was accidentally added in Patch 7.05.
Tekken Character Select Character select during the Tekken Event.
This track was titled "TK Character Select" when it was accidentally added in Patch 7.05.
Tekken Victory Music Post-game theme during the Tekken Event.
This track was titled "TK Win Theme" when it was accidentally added in Patch 7.05.
Spongebob Background Music Menu music during the SpongeBob SquarePants Event.
Spongebob Character Select Character select during the SpongeBob SquarePants Event.
Spongebob Victory Music Post-game theme during the SpongeBob SquarePants Event.
Star Wars Background Music Menu music during the Star Wars Event.
Star Wars Character Select Character select during the Star Wars Event.
Star Wars Victory Music Post-game theme during the Star Wars Event.
Borderlands Background Music Menu music during the Borderlands Event.
Borderlands Character Select Character select during the Borderlands Event.
Borderlands Victory Music Post-game theme during the Borderlands Event.

Removed Tracks

The following tracks no longer play as they have been replaced by newer tracks.

Name Track Info
Combat Music or Brawlhalla Theme
(file name)

This track was used when fighting on any stage from launch until around November 2014.
The first version of the song was only used in the first release, from April 30 to May 14, 2014. The second version with slightly more instruments was used from May 14, 2014 onwards. Both tracks have "revised" at the end of their file names, implying there is an earlier unreleased version.
(file name)
This track would play at the last 10 seconds of the match, from launch until around November 2014.
UI Background Music Old menu and character select music.
This track was used from May 14, 2014 (the first patch) until mid-2015.
Welcome Music
(also known as Original Background Music)
Old menu music.
This track was used from 2015-2020.
The "Original" track title was added in Patch 8.00. Along with the Character Select and Victory themes, these exist as newly created track listings.
Character Select Theme
(also known as Original Character Select)
Old character select music.
This track was used from 2015-2020.
Victory Theme
(also known as Original Victory Music)
Old post-game theme.
This track was used from 2015-2020.
Tag Old music for Crystal Temple. This was replaced with a newer version in patch 5.09 (July 7th, 2021).

Unused Tracks

The following tracks exist or existed in Brawlhalla's code, but have never been used in-game.

Name Track Info
Brawlhalla Express Planned to be used on a 4v4 train themed map which was never added.
This song is partially used in the Spaghetti Western Reno Trailer.


  • Most menu themes for events and battle passes will use the hook from the original Brawlhalla theme as a leitmotif, remixing it to match the theme of the event.
  • Seasonal events did not have unique menu music until the 2020 Anniversary Event. Additionally, there were no unique character select or victory themes until the 2022 Luck o' the Brawl Event.
  • The seasonal music for the Brawlhalloween Event did not play in 2022 as the event occurred at the same time as the Castlevania Event (and instead played music for that event). Consequently, the release of Brawlhalloween character select and victory themes were delayed an extra year.