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The Tutorial is a set of three stages that teaches the player the basics of Brawlhalla. The player plays as Bödvar with 3 lives for all of the three stages, and earns a Gold reward for completing each stage.

Stage 1: Attacking

Tutorial 1 map

The player is placed on a flat stage with a weapon pickup and a Brynn standing still. The map art directs the player to pick up the weapon and attack the Brynn. After attacking the Brynn, she will begin to fight back. The player must defeat her once to win, and earns Coin Gold.png 100 for completing the stage.

Stage 2: Platforming

Tutorial 2 map

The player is placed on a stage with a platform that holds a weapon pickup and a Cassidy sitting atop a large pillar. The player must pickup the weapon and attack the Cassidy. After attacking the Cassidy, she will begin to fight back. The player must defeat her once to win, and earns Coin Gold.png 150 for completing the stage.

Stage 3: Damage Meters

Tutorial 3 map

The player is placed on a map identical to Mammoth Fortress (but with different map art) against a bot Orion, Teros, and Ember in a free-for-all style match. The player must be the last person standing to win, and earns Coin Gold.png 200 for completing the stage.

Oddly, each bot enemy starts off with 3 lives, but after any one person gets KO'd, all bot lives will be reduced to 1 life.

See also

Lobbies Casual Matchmaking  •  Ranked  •  Custom Online  •  Brawl Of The Week  •  Couch Party
Gamemodes ModeIcon Stock.png Stock  •  ModeIcon Timed.png Timed  •  ModeIcon Brawlball.png Brawlball  •  ModeIcon Kung Foot.png Kung Foot  •  ModeIcon Horde.png Horde  •  ModeIcon Walker Attack!.png Walker Attack!  •  ModeIcon Snowbrawl.png Snowbrawl  •  ModeIcon Dodgebomb.png Dodgebomb  •  ModeIcon Bombsketball.png Bombsketball  •  ModeIcon Beachbrawl.png Beachbrawl  •  ModeIcon Buddy.png Buddy  •  ModeIcon Brawldown.png Brawldown  •  ModeIcon Capture the Flag.png Capture the Flag  •  ModeIcon Bubble Tag.png Bubble Tag  •  ModeIcon Temple Climb.png Temple Climb  •  ModeIcon Showdown.png Showdown  •  ModeIcon Crew Battle.png Crew Battle  •  ModeIcon Street Brawl.png Street Brawl  •  ModeIcon Bounty.png Bounty  •  ModeIcon Dice & Destruction.png Dice & Destruction  •  ModeIcon Volleybrawl.png Volleybrawl  •  ModeIcon Oddbrawl.png Oddbrawl
Variations ModeIcon Strikeout.png Strikeout  •  ModeIcon Switchcraft.png Switchcraft  •  ModeIcon Morph.png Morph
Exclusive Ghost Mode  •  Platform King  •  Water Bomb Bash
Offline Training  •  Tournament  •  Tutorial  •  Challenges