Walker Attack!

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Walker Attack!

ModeIcon Walker Attack!.png


ModeThumb Walker Attack!.jpg

Mwuaah.. BRAINS! Survive the waves of brain eating zombies while scoring points from getting KOs. This mode ends when all players have been KO'd!

Walker Attack! is one of the gamemode available in Brawlhalla. It can be played in Custom Online matches and is sometimes available as the Brawl Of The Week.

This gamemode was added as part of The Walking Dead crossover.


Walker Attack Map

Walker Attack! is a Player vs Enemy gamemode, where two players must work together to survive waves of attacking Walkers.

Walkers are zombie-like creatures with low amounts of health that attack you with unarmed attacks. They will follow you until they get close enough to attack. As the waves progress, more Walkers will spawn per wave, and they will become more difficult, performing stronger attacks and even dodging.

This gamemode is a timed match with a set amount of lives. The game is over once the timer runs out or if both players lose all their lives.

While the goal of this gamemode is to get to the highest wave, the winner of the match is sometimes determined by who KO'd the most zombie enemies.

Walkers are controlled by easy bots for waves 1-4, medium bots for waves 5-8, and hard bots for wave 9 and onwards. They have 1 speed, while their strength, dexterity, and defense stats are equal to the wave number (and are 9 for waves 9 and above). Walkers take 3 times as much damage as normal, making them die much faster.

Each wave will spawn 2*wave+3 walkers. The first walker spawns 4 seconds into the wave. There cannot be more than 6 walkers active at the same time.

Killing a walker gives 10*wave+90 points. Beating a wave gives 1000*wave+10*max(0,100t) points, where t is the number of seconds it took to beat the wave.

Walkers spawn in one of 4 predetermined locations. Each walker picks a random location to spawn in.

The timings for walker spawning are as follows:

  • If there are 5 or less walkers, the next walker will spawn in 1+198c90+t+20w seconds, where c is the number of walkers currently alive, t is the number of seconds since the start of the wave, and w is the current wave.
  • If there are 6 walkers, the game will avoid spawning new walkers. However, starting from the moment the 7th walker would've spawned, the game tries to spawn a new walker every 1 second. Meaning that after killing one of the 6 walkers, a new one will spawn very quickly.
  • After killing the last walker currently alive, the next walker will spawn in 0.5 seconds.


The following settings can be configured for Walker Attack! matches in Custom and Offline lobbies:

Setting Default Range
Lives 3 1 - 99
Match Time 15:00 Online: 1:00 - 15:00
Offline: 1:00 - 15:00 or ∞
Damage 100% 50% - 300%
Weapon Spawn Rate Medium Disabled/Low/Medium/High
Gadget Spawn Rate Low
Test Features Off Off/On
Max Players 2

See also

Lobbies Casual Matchmaking  •  Ranked  •  Custom Online  •  Brawl Of The Week  •  Couch Party
Gamemodes ModeIcon Stock.png Stock  •  ModeIcon Timed.png Timed  •  ModeIcon Brawlball.png Brawlball  •  ModeIcon Kung Foot.png Kung Foot  •  ModeIcon Horde.png Horde  •  ModeIcon Walker Attack!.png Walker Attack!  •  ModeIcon Snowbrawl.png Snowbrawl  •  ModeIcon Dodgebomb.png Dodgebomb  •  ModeIcon Bombsketball.png Bombsketball  •  ModeIcon Beachbrawl.png Beachbrawl  •  ModeIcon Buddy.png Buddy  •  ModeIcon Brawldown.png Brawldown  •  ModeIcon Capture the Flag.png Capture the Flag  •  ModeIcon Bubble Tag.png Bubble Tag  •  ModeIcon Temple Climb.png Temple Climb  •  ModeIcon Showdown.png Showdown  •  ModeIcon Crew Battle.png Crew Battle  •  ModeIcon Street Brawl.png Street Brawl  •  ModeIcon Bounty.png Bounty  •  ModeIcon Dice & Destruction.png Dice & Destruction  •  ModeIcon Volleybrawl.png Volleybrawl  •  ModeIcon Oddbrawl.png Oddbrawl
Variations ModeIcon Strikeout.png Strikeout  •  ModeIcon Switchcraft.png Switchcraft  •  ModeIcon Morph.png Morph
Exclusive Ghost Mode  •  Platform King  •  Water Bomb Bash
Offline Training  •  Tournament  •  Tutorial  •  Challenges