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ModeIcon Brawldown.png


ModeThumb Brawldown.jpg

Piledriver! Enter the ring and use the ropes and special Brawldown items to your advantage as you try and take out your opponents stocks to be the last man standing!

Brawldown is one of the gamemode available in Brawlhalla. It can be played in Custom Online matches and is sometimes available as the Brawl Of The Week.

This gamemode was added as part of the WWE crossover.


Brawldown Ring

The Brawldown gamemode is very similar to the Stock gamemode as each player has a set of lives, and the last player standing wins. What makes Brawldown different is the map and gadgets that spawn.

The only map in Brawldown is similar to a wrestling ring, as there are ropes on each side of the map. These ropes push the player back slightly, which can be good for setting up an attack or bouncing your opponents around. Dodging into the ropes cancels the dodge.

When touching the ropes, the player's horizontal velocity is multiplied by 1.1, then added 50 if grounded, or 30 if aerial, then possibly multiplied by -1 to match the direction of the rope.

A player in the middle of an attack will only bounce if they are on the ground.

Brawldown has two special Gadgets that spawn instead of regular ones: Chair and Table.

Chairs can be swung directly in front of the player, stunning any opponents it hits. Chairs can be swung infinitely, but break on hitting an opponent.

Tables can be picked up and thrown, and will spring up on hitting the ground. If a Table hits an opponent or is hit by an attack, it will break into two pieces of wood. These pieces of wood can be picked up and thrown, and will break on hitting an opponent.


The following settings can be configured for Brawldown matches in Custom and Offline lobbies:

Setting Default Range
Teams Off Off/On
Team Damage
Lives 3 1 - 99
Match Time 8:00 Online: 1:00 - 15:00
Offline: 1:00 - 15:00 or ∞
Damage 100% 50% - 300%
Weapon Spawn Rate Medium Disabled/Low/Medium/High
Gadget Spawn Rate Low
Test Features Off Off/On
Max Players 4 2 - 8

See also

Lobbies Casual Matchmaking  •  Ranked  •  Custom Online  •  Brawl Of The Week  •  Couch Party
Gamemodes ModeIcon Stock.png Stock  •  ModeIcon Timed.png Timed  •  ModeIcon Brawlball.png Brawlball  •  ModeIcon Kung Foot.png Kung Foot  •  ModeIcon Horde.png Horde  •  ModeIcon Walker Attack!.png Walker Attack!  •  ModeIcon Snowbrawl.png Snowbrawl  •  ModeIcon Dodgebomb.png Dodgebomb  •  ModeIcon Bombsketball.png Bombsketball  •  ModeIcon Beachbrawl.png Beachbrawl  •  ModeIcon Buddy.png Buddy  •  ModeIcon Brawldown.png Brawldown  •  ModeIcon Capture the Flag.png Capture the Flag  •  ModeIcon Bubble Tag.png Bubble Tag  •  ModeIcon Temple Climb.png Temple Climb  •  ModeIcon Showdown.png Showdown  •  ModeIcon Crew Battle.png Crew Battle  •  ModeIcon Street Brawl.png Street Brawl  •  ModeIcon Bounty.png Bounty  •  ModeIcon Dice & Destruction.png Dice & Destruction  •  ModeIcon Volleybrawl.png Volleybrawl  •  ModeIcon Oddbrawl.png Oddbrawl
Variations ModeIcon Strikeout.png Strikeout  •  ModeIcon Switchcraft.png Switchcraft  •  ModeIcon Morph.png Morph
Exclusive Ghost Mode  •  Platform King  •  Water Bomb Bash
Offline Training  •  Tournament  •  Tutorial  •  Challenges