Strategy/Completing Season Five Missions

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This guide is intended to help players with completing missions for the Season Five Battle Pass. Note that this guide is mainly subjective; there is no one way to complete these missions.

General Missions

Mission Strategy
KOs off the bottom with Weapons that were thrown upward

13 KOs total are needed for this mission.

To progress this mission, you must KO opponents by knocking them downward off the map with a Weapon throw that was thrown upwards. Diagonal upward throws do not seem to count.

This mission can be somewhat tricky, as you will need to take into account the travel time for throwing your weapon upward. It's typically easier to hit a weapon throw with a longer weapon, like Spear or Rocket Lance. The best time to try to progress this is when your opponent is returning to the side of the stage; if they are out of jumps and dodges, they will have a harder time missing your weapon throw. Keep in mind that the longer a throw is charged, the more knockback it will perform, but the longer it will take to fall.

You may also find some success in FFA; if your opponents are occupied fighting each other, they may not see your weapon throw and have a harder time reacting to it. This is especially true on maps that have tight pits, for example, the side of the main stage on Crystal Temple. Additionally, while somewhat unorthodox, you may be so lucky to find someone else doing the same mission and who is willing to help you.

Another tactic is if you come across an AFK opponent, position them next to the edge of the map and throw your weapon straight up with you standing in front of them. When the weapon reaches the apex of its height, perform a side light unarmed attack. Once the animation ends, your opponent will be pushed barely off the map, and your weapon will deal the final blow.

Win Ranked matches

350 total Ranked wins are required.

This mission simply requires time and patience.

Weekly Missions

Frequent Missions

These types of missions appear every week, and the strategy is similar for all of them.

Mission Strategy
KOs with specific Weapon

Simply play legends that use that weapon and you can progress this challenge over time.

If you do not feel like you are good at that weapon, you can try using a Legend who has another weapon you're more comfortable with. Once your opponent is low health, switch your weapon to the one for the challenge and KO your opponent.

Light Attack Damage with specific Weapon This will complete over time if you play Legends who use that weapon. To speed up the process, play FFA and focus on only using light attacks with the specific weapon.
Heavy Attack Damage with specific Weapon This will complete over time if you play Legends who use that weapon. To speed up the process, play FFA and focus on only using signatures with the specific weapon.

Week 1

Mission Strategy
Hit with 5 different Signature Attacks in a match Simply remember which signature attacks you have used and which have hit. This can be done fairly easily on FFA, as there are more opponents to hit.
Interrupt opponent Recovery Attacks with Weapon throws This is progressed by throwing your weapon at opponents that are using a recovery move. Wait until your opponent is attempting to recover after being knocked off to the side, and throw your weapon to cancel their recovery.
Win matches with home field advantage

See Home field advantage for a list of home field advantages. Simply play a Legend with a home field advantage until you get their home map, and win 3 times.

This is fastest done in Strikeout, as three different Legends can be selected.

In the lobby settings, you can also choose to ban one map that isn't your Legend's home field to increase the chance of getting their home field.

Win rematches In Ranked 1v1 and 2v2, there is an option to rematch your opponent at the end of a game. Keep asking for a rematch after each game until you have won 10 of those rematches.

Week 2

Mission Strategy
Disarm opponents Disarming an opponent is when they drop their weapon after taking too much force and damage. This occurs in most matches, and will simply progress over time.
Win 1v1 matches while dealing less damage than you take

This one can be tricky to pull off, as typically when you win a match you deal MORE damage than you take.

One approach, if you can reliably do so, is to gimp your opponent while they are still low health. Make sure you let them attack you normally, and if you have only gimped them all match you should have less damage than they do.

Another approach is to mainly use Signatures with high force - uncharged Signatures can do less damage than a combo, yet typically have enough force to launch your opponent off the stage.

It's also a good idea to use Legends with a high Defense stat, as they will be able to take more damage.

Spike opponents into oblivion with Signature Attacks

For this mission, wait until your opponent is at high damage, as they need to still be stunned as they fall off the map. Then, once they are near the ledge, hit them with a Signature that will launch them downwards.

Many Signatures can spike opponents downward, but to give a few examples:

  • Orion Spear Neutral Sig
  • Teros Axe Neutral Sig
  • Nix Blasters Neutral Sig
  • Rayman Gauntlets and Axe Down Sig
  • Mordex Gauntlets Down Sig

Week 3

Mission Strategy
Deal 150 damage in a row without getting hit

This is easiest in 1v1 gamemodes, as in FFA there will likely be other people who damage you and ruin your streak.

Play your best character and be passive until there's a window of opportunity to combo your opponent. Once you have zoned them off the stage, keep the pressure on them, as they will be putting more effort into getting back on the stage than attacking you.

If your opponent ends up leaving and is replaced with a bot, this mission can be farmed pretty easily with low knockback attacks such as Blasters neutral light.

Launch opponents into orbit with Signature Attacks Simply focus on hitting opponents who are above you with signatures that will send them upwards, such as Orion Lance Neutral Sig or Queen Nai Spear Neutral Sig. You may find this progressing faster in FFA as there are more targets to KO.

Week 4

Mission Strategy
Win matches as different Legends that were used to win a 2021 BCX 2v2 Championship

Legends that work for this mission:

Get KOs by Dash-Jumping into Aerial Light Attacks

To dash-jump simply dash into a jump, then perform a light attack while still in the air. Most weapons' aerial side light have strong knockback, so that attack is usually the best to secure a KO.

Reversal Signature KOs See List of Reversal Signatures for what signatures count in this mission.

Week 5

Mission Strategy
Emote last This is easiest to do in a 1v1 match - if you hit your opponent with a final killing blow, emote before they get KO'd.
Win matches as different Legends that were used to win a 2021 BCX 1v1 Championship

Legends that work for this mission:

Exhausted Recovery Attack KOs

Exhausted Recovery Attacks are what occurs when using a recovery attack after already having used a recovery before touching the ground. They have less travel than regular recoveries, and count as jumps while in the air; this means up to 2 can be performed after a standard recovery depending on how many times you have jumped.

Any weapon can be used to get an exhausted recovery KO so long as your opponent is low enough health and high enough on the stage. It is good to pick a high strength Legend with one weapon that has a diagonal recovery to hit players on an edge (such as Axe or Bow), and one weapon with a vertical recovery to easily hit players directly above (such as Sword or Spear). The Axe specifically is a good choice as its recovery hitbox can KO opponents both upwards or gimp someone on the side of the stage.

The most important thing to be aware of is the difference in travel between a regular and exhausted recovery. You may miscalculate an exhausted recovery hit since it doesn't reach as far, or with some recoveries hit in a direction that doesn't KO your opponent.

Get 4 KOs in a match This mission can't be done in 1v1 modes, as each player will only have 3 stocks. This will be easiest to do in FFA; since it is a timed mode, there are more opportunities to get KOs.

Week 6

Mission Strategy
Win matches as Legends brought to Valhalla by Brynn

Legends that work for this mission:

Get KOs with Neutral Air Attacks Cannon and Hammer are the best options as they hit hard with heavy knockback. Bow, Greatsword, and Sword are viable too, but don't have as much force. Other weapons either don't have enough force or are too situational.
Get KOs with Side Air Attacks Axe, Lance, and Hammer are the best options, however all weapons have strong enough aerial Side Lights to secure a KO. Try to look for when your opponent has no more dodges or jumps, as even if they don't get knocked far enough to get KO'd you can still earn one if they can't return to the stage.
Get KOs with Down Air Attacks

This is easiest to do when your opponent is on the edge of a stage. Weapons like the Sword, Axe, Gauntlets and Blasters have good force and are easy to use, hitting directly underneath you. The Orb is also good as it can hit diagonally downward, but also bounce off walls to hit an enemy right under you.

You can also try the Hammer as it is the only weapon with an aerial down light that launches your opponent upwards, meaning you don't need to be on the edge of a stage to get a KO.

Week 7

Mission Strategy
Win matches as Legends from Thera

Legends that work for this mission:

Week 8

Mission Strategy
Get KOs within 10 seconds of respawning

Try to get your opponent into red without KOing them by using attacks with little or no knockback. Let them KO you, and once you respawn get a KO as fast as possible. 10 seconds is a fair amount of time to get in a high knockback attack such as a side aerial or a signature, however you can also try to wait for your opponent to attack while you are still invulnerable from respawn and do a quick unarmed down heavy.

Note that if you allow your opponent to KO you, don't make it too obvious that you're doing so. If you simply fall off the map, some players may think you disconnected and KO themselves in return - a kind gesture, but ends up resetting your damage done.

Interrupt opponent Signatures with Light Attacks This can be completed fairly easily in FFA since more people will be using their Signatures. Try to focus players that charge their Signatures a little too long or who are occupied in a separate fight.
Slide-charged Damage This is best done in FFA with Signatures that have a far reach. Maps with soft platforms tend to work best for slide-charged attacks, such as the small platform on The Fangwild.

Week 9

Mission Strategy
Win matches with Legends that have traveled through Outer Space

Legends that count for this mission:

Hit opponents into armed Pressure Mines

You will want to get your opponent to high enough damage so they get launched further, and use attack with good knockback. The most common attacks people will use for this are side aerials or an unarmed side light, however any attack with knockback works.

The most important part is to know what attack to use depending on where your opponent is positioned. For example, if they are above the mine you would want to use an attack that sends them down like Gauntlets neutral air, but if they are on the side of the mine an attack that sends them straight forward like Hammer side air will work better.

Perform True Combos

These are some easy true combos that will work at any damage:

  • Blasters: down light -> side air
  • Bow: down light -> neutral light
  • Sword: down light -> side air
Get KOs with different types of Attacks

Most of this will be completed over time, however you may find it quicker to do in FFA as there is more confusion and opportunities to get KOs.

For heavy attacks, use any character with signatures that you're familiar with. Almost all signatures can KO, so these shouldn't be too hard.

For grounded light attacks, the Greatsword finisher attacks are the best option as all of them give high knockback. Most other weapons' grounded light attacks have or require lots of damage for a full KO.

For aerial attacks, the Hammer has the most powerful attacks. Most other weapons are fine, however, some will not work for neutral aerials (such as Lance) and almost all other down aerials will require you and your opponent to be off the stage.

For ground pound and recovery, any weapon works as they are all rather powerful with these attacks.

Week 10

Mission Strategy
Win matches without dying more than once Use Legends that you are most comfortable with or that have high Defense. It helps to play somewhat passively to observe your opponent's dodge and attack patterns.

Week 11

Mission Strategy

Dominating requires getting 3 KOs in a single life.

If you are doing this in FFA, try to stay out of fights and focus on KOing high damage opponents while they are distracted.

Doing this in 1v1 modes may be harder, but still can be done. After getting your first KO, you won't be able to get KO'd again, so pick a character you're comfortable with and try to play aggressively.

Deal 250 damage each with 2 Weapons in a match This can be done easily in FFA by focusing attacks with one weapon for half the match, then switching to your other weapon for the second half.

Week 12

Mission Strategy
Win matches in under 150 seconds This can be done fairly consistently in Friendly 2v2; since you can't hurt your teammate the gamemode is a lot more chaotic and tends to end quickly.
First Strikes This is easiest done in 1v1 modes, as it will either be you or your opponent who gets the first strike. This will progress over time, and simply requires you to be slightly better than your opponent for at least the first stock.
Get KOs with different types of Gravity-canceled Signatures

Any Legend can work for this, as long as their Signatures have enough knockback to KO. The most important part is to be aware of you and your opponent's positioning.

Side and Down Signatures are fairly easy since most will hit grounded opponents, so you can quickly jump and Gravity-cancel anywhere near your opponent to hit them. For Neutral Signatures, you will want to wait until your opponent is fairly high in the air to hit them, as most Neutral Signatures hit upwards.